Destiny 2 Ghost Mods Guide - All Ghost Mods List

This list details all Ghost mods and their energy cost.

Ghosts in Destiny 2 have finally been overhauled to detach their appearance from the perks that they roll with. This means you can use whatever shell you’re most fond of, upgrade it to a maximum of ten energy, and then outfit it with the mods that you want the most. And yes, that includes Guiding Light, which boosts all experience gained.

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Destiny 2 Ghost Mod Categories

Each Ghost has four different mod slots: one for experience mods, tracking mods, economic mods, and activity mods.

Experience Mods

There are only six available experience mods which grant more XP as they get more powerful, but they’ll also take up more energy.

  • Flickering Light (1): Increase XP gains by 2%.
  • Little Light (2): Increase XP gains by 4%.
  • Hopeful Light (3): Increase XP gains by 6%.
  • Burning Light (4): Increase XP gains by 8%.
  • Guiding Light (5): Increase XP gains by 10%.
  • Blinding Light (6): Increase XP gains by 12%

Tracking Mods

These mods make it easier to spot things like nearby cache and resources.

  • Combo Detector (1): Detect caches or resources within a 40-meter range.
  • Wombo Detector (2): Detect caches or resources within a 50-meter range. 

Economic Mods

Rather than helping you find things, these ghost mods simply make your efforts more rewarding by increasing glimmer gain, planetary material gathering, and more.

  • Meager Glimmer Booster (1): Increases Glimmer gains by 5%.
  • Standard Glimmer Booster (2): Increases Glimmer gains by 10%.
  • Considerable Glimmer Booster (3): Increases Glimmer gains by 20%.
  • Prodigious Glimmer Booster (4): Increases Glimmer gains by 35%.
  • Supercharged Glimmer Booster (5): Increases Glimmer gains by 50%. 
  • Ultimate Glimmer Booster (6): Increases Glimmer gains by 65%.
  • Bountiful Harvest (3): Chance to obtain additional resources when harvesting.
  • Public Defender (5): Increased loot from public events on all destinations.
  • Discipline Armorer (2): Armor pieces with random stats you acquire will have a guaranteed minimum of 10 Discipline, and are more likely to drop with higher Discipline.
  • Intellect Armorer (2): Armor pieces with random stats you acquire will have a guaranteed minimum of 10 Intellect, and are more likely to drop with higher Intellect.
  • Mobility Armorer (2):  Armorer Armor pieces with random stats you acquire will have a guaranteed minimum of 10 Mobility, and are more likely to drop with higher Mobility.
  • Recovery Armorer (2): Armor pieces with random stats you acquire will have a guaranteed minimum of 10 Recovery, and are more likely to drop with higher Recovery.
  • Resilience Armorer (2): Armor pieces with random stats you acquire will have a guaranteed minimum of 10 Resilience, and are more likely to drop with higher Resilience.
  • Strength Armorer (2): Armor pieces with random stats you acquire will have a guaranteed minimum of 10 Strength, and are more likely to drop with higher Strength.

Ritual Activity Ghost Mods

These mods are more specialized and the mod slot is only unlocked after the Ghost shell has been fully Masterworked.

  • Core Harvest (1): Earn bonus Enhancement Cores when completing ritual activities.
  • Prism Harvest (3): Earn bonus Enhancement Prisms when completing ritual activities.
  • Prosperity (3): Achieving victory in ritual activities grants a chance to drop an additional piece of Legendary gear.
  • Modularity (3): Achieving victory in ritual activities grants a chance to award an Upgrade Module. 

Just keep in mind that you can never go over ten energy points on a single Ghost shell. The good news is you can Masterwork multiple ghosts so you can swap between them whenever you’re going to do a specific activity. We recommend keeping Guiding Light or Blinding Light at all times and then making the most of the leftover points. Depending on the drop chance, those Enhancement Prisms could be really helpful!

About the Authors

Dillon Skiffington

Dillon is the Senior Game Guides Editor at Fanbyte. He's been writing about video games for 15 years and has thousands of hours logged in FFXIV and hundreds of hours in Destiny 2.

Saniya Ahmed

Saniya Ahmed is an editor at Fanbyte covering Destiny 2 news, guides, and feature stories. She’s a long-time Destiny player who loves the game for its lore and is a Hunter main. Her bylines include GameSpot, IGN, WIRED, Game Informer, and more.