Destiny 2 concludes it's Light and Darkness saga in 2024. The roadmap for 2024 is a bit complicated with the The Final Shape expansion delayed to June 4, and "episodes" marking a new chapter in Destiny's story. Though the Season of the Wish will go on for a few additional weeks, there's a lot to look forward to. If you want to keep track of important dates, our Destiny 2 2024 calendar contains all the information you need about upcoming content, events, and date changes. Also, we'll update this calendar as Bungie reveals more details throughout the year.
- January 2: The Dawning 2023 event ends.
- January 2: First Iron Banner week of 2024 begins.
- January 9: Wishing All the Best seasonal quest wrap-up.
- January 30: Moments of Triumph begins.
In November 2023, Bungie updated players about The Final Shape release date delay and content arriving in Destiny 2 after Season of the Wish's main questline concludes. We'll update the roadmap as specific dates become available.
- February: Wishes, which are progression-based quests available weekly.
- February: Moments of Triumph begins.
- March: The Guardian Games begin.
- April: Destiny 2: Into The Light begins. It's two months of content that leads into The Final Shape expansion.
- May: Three new PVP maps drop for the Crucible.
- June 4: The Final Shape expansion launches.
- June 4: Season of the Wish ends.
- June: Echoes episode begins. This is the first episode in Destiny 2. Echoes divides into three different acts, and each act is six weeks long.
- July: Solstice event. This event usually starts mid-July usually begins.
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- Late September: With episodes going around 18 weeks, the Echoes episode will likely end in September.
- Early October: The Revenant episode could launch in October once Echoes concludes.
- Mid-October: Festival of the Lost usually starts around Halloween-time.
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- Mid-December: The Dawning event typically starts mid-December.