Destiny 2’s Lightfall expansion has finally been released and there’s a ton of new content for players to sink their teeth into. Along with a new story, exotics, loot, endgame content, and a build crafting system, Lightfall also introduces our second Darkness subclass, Strand. Along with all this content, Bungie has also included a secret exotic quest that launched today after the weekly reset. However, you can easily miss this secret mission if you don’t visit the EDZ often. Here’s how to begin the new Destiny 2 exotic quest and locate all six Vex Cubes in the EDZ.
All Vex Cube Locations
Vex Cube 1, 2, and 3
When you arrive in the Gultch head over to where the Public Event usually starts outside of the large cave. You will see three floating Vex cubes in the air, so snag the first one in front of you. Once grabbed, you will have 30 seconds to grab the next cube or you’ll have to start all over again. You can snag two of these on your Sparrow, with the last one requiring you to climb onto the highway sign to reach it.
Vex Cube 4
The next cube can be found on the large hill where there are typically some Cabal enemies hanging around. They will have set up a small camp and you can find the fourth Vex cube between two antennas over a box.
Vex Cube 5
You can find the next cube underneath the broken highway that is directly across from where the fourth Vex cube spawns. This one is easy to reach, so just jump up and snag it before the cube vanishes.
Vex Cube 6
The final Vex cube is pretty easy to miss, as it’s hidden behind some broken trees and bushes. From the fifth Vex cube, climb up onto the broken road and go toward the point shown in the photo above. As you get closer you will see the glow from the Vex cube behind the trees so quickly snag it. If you’re struggling to grab this cube, I recommend throwing on the Strand grapple. This makes it much easier to quickly get onto the road by the last cube. Once you snag this you will have all the Vex cubes for the Destiny 2 exotic mission, but do not leave the patrol zone. Doing so will force you to grab them all over again.
Enter the Hidden Access Cave
The cave entrance is actually quite easy to find. From the broken road hang a right instead of a left and go up the small path. You will see a couple of Cabal enemies hanging out by a cave entrance. Kill the Cabal and then head into the cave on the left. Progress down the tunnel until you find a friendly Vex Harpy outside of a Vex Portal. Interacting with this Harpy with start the new exotic mission. Keep in mind, this is a pretty difficult exotic mission that has a recommended Light of 1800. While you can do it solo as I did, you’ll have a much simpler time if you bring some friends!