FFXIV Weekly and Daily Reset Checklist

With the vast amount of activities to complete in Final Fantasy XIV, it can be a little overwhelming to keep track of what to prioritize. However, knowing what to complete before the game's daily and weekly timers reset resets so you don’t miss out on the rewards is key when tackling everything FFXIV has to offer. If you’d like to know more about FFXIV’s reset timers, the guide can be found here.

There are various timed activities listed in the Timers menu in-game, but it will only display what you’ve previously unlocked and doesn’t include everything that actively resets. To combat this, we’ve created a resettable checklist that lists the majority of Daily and Weekly activities for you to use.

Daily Activities in FFXIV

Here is a set list of current Dailies which mostly reset through similar timers. The exceptions to these are Grand Company Turn-ins, Levequests, and Map Allowances, which operate on separate timers.

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Duty Roulettes
A series of roulettes you can complete for rewards such as EXP, Gil, Tomestones, Grand Company Seals, and Wolf Marks.

Grand Company Turn-ins

A set of Supply and Provisioning Missions for your respective Grand Company that rewards EXP for Disciples of the Hand and Land and Grand Company Seals.

Quest allowances to complete either Battlecraft, Fieldcraft or Tradecraft Leves. Three allowances are gained every 12 hours up to a cap of 100.

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Mini Cactpot

A Gold Saucer mini-game that allows three chances to win up to 10,000 MGP.

Daily Hunt

Non-Elite Hunts which can be found on Hunt Boards in specific cities that allow the player to earn EXP and Hunt currency.

Treasure Hunt Map Allowance

An allowance that allows you to gather one treasure map every 18 hours.

Tribal Quests

A set of 12 daily quests that can be completed with various Tribes, which can provide EXP, Gil, Reputation and more.

Weekly Activities

Provided below is a list of weekly activities that you can take on in-game. Weeklies currently share one global timer except for the Jumbo Cactpot drawing that occurs every Saturday.

Challenge Log
A log which provides tasks that can be done passively by completing other dailies and weeklies for gil, MGP, and EXP.

Custom Deliveries
A set of 12 delivery allowances total that can be used across the various clients. Each client allows only six per week.

Doman Enclave Reconstruction
Reconstruction that allows you to hand in items for a 200% markup. Complete Reconstruction allows for a 40,000 gil cap per week.

Elite Hunts
Elite marks can be found on Hunt Boards and require hunting B-ranked monsters in exchange for greater Hunt currency and gil compared to the Daily Hunts.

Fashion Report
A mini-game in the Gold Saucer that gives a base of 60,000 MGP when you score 80 points or above.

Faux Hollows
Requires completing the current Unreal trial (tell and retell) for Faux Leaves which can be exchanged for high-end rewards such as mounts, minions, etc.

Island Sanctuary Agenda and Felicitous Favors
Timed agenda that can be filled out weekly for Seafarer Cowries. If the agenda includes the Felicitous Furball’s requests you can also gain Felicitous Favors to exchange for Vegetal Vouchers or Sanctuary Material Containers.
FFXIV Gold Saucer Icon.png
Jumbo Cactpot
Another Gold Saucer mini-game that allows for three purchases per week. The time of drawing will depend on your data center around Saturday.

Masked Carnivale and Blue Mage Log
A rotating set of Masked Carnivale stages and Dungeons to be completed as Blue Mage for Gil, Allagan Tomestones, and Allied Seals.

Reward eligibility lockouts from current tier Alliance and Savage raids.

Squadron Missions
Missions sent out from your Grand Company to bring back various rewards. You can only complete one priority mission per week but complete multiples of the other tiers.

Wondrous Tails
A journal that can be picked up and filled out weekly by completing randomized duty content for EXP and other various rewards. Wondrous Tails lasts for up to two weeks before expiring.

Current Special Events in FFXIV

Along with the daily and weekly activities, there are always various in-game events going on in FFXIV, ranging from holiday events to cross-game collaborations. Here is a preview of the ongoing events going on this month:

FFXIV x FFXVI Crossover Event - "The Path Infernal" event lasts until May 8th at 7:59am PDT. 

STARTS 4/2/2024, 8:00:00 AM
ENDS 5/8/2024, 11:59:00 AM

FFXIV director and producer Naoki "Yoshi-P" Yoshida and FFXVI producer Naoki "Yoshi-P" Yoshida have finally agreed on a start date for the crossover event which will see Clive come into the FFXIV universe.

For those looking for the rewards and the start and end times, click here.

FFXIV x Yo-kai Watch Collaboration Event - Starts April 24th at 1am PDT and lasts until the release of Patch 7.0.

STARTS 4/24/2024, 8:00:00 AM
ENDS 7/2/2024, 7:59:00 AM

For the first time in almost four years, the FFXIV x Yo-kai Watch event has returned!

Read more about what to expect here.

About the Author


Running in with well over 10,000 hours logged into Final Fantasy XIV, Mothsworn has done quite a bit of content in the game since Endwalker's launch. While he took his time to do MSQ he found a love in gil making with omnicrafting and the notable trade of expert crafts.