Final Fantasy XIV News

Details of a recently released Square Enix investor financial briefing have revealed that the company has high hopes for the performance of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and Final Fantasy XIV: D...

At the close of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker’s 6.55’s Main Story Quest (MSQ), the credits rolled on the story of this expansion. With it came the confirmation of the voice actors of The Twelve,...

Love is in the air, and one Final Fantasy XIV FC and venue is looking to play Cupid again this year, delivering Valentoine gifts to players across Eorzea. With the in-game Valentoine's Day even...

One of the marks of an excellent games writer is the ability to craft a villain that players can empathize with. Final Fantasy XIV has done this expertly with Emet-Selch, one of the MMO's most...

While the upcoming Dawntrail expansion will have an entire Final Fantasy XI Alliance Raid, for many years, all Final Fantasy XIV fans have had to cel...

To celebrate the conclusion of Final Fantasy XIV's story arc of Hydaelyn and Zodiark, Square Enix has unveiled the newest Meister Quality figurine depicting the two entities of light...

In an interview with Shuhei Yoshida from Sony Interactive Entertainment, Final Fantasy XIV and Final Fantasy XVI producer Naoki "Yoshi-P" Yoshida said that he and the Creative Business U...

The Eorzea Cafe is a Final Fantasy XIV-themed cafe with two locations, in Akihabara and Osaka, Japan, and it’s long been a place that players dream of going. With an FFXIV-inspired menu,...

At Final Fantasy XIV’s Fan Fest in Tokyo, the new Female Hrothgar race was revealed, alongside the NPC Wuk Lamat. Wuk Lamat was revealed to be the main NPC protagonist of the Dawntrail e...

Square Enix has revealed an incredible dual figure of Hydaelyn and Zodiark in celebration of the conclusion of the decade-long storyline of Final Fantasy XIV. The figure was revealed on FFXI...

While the Endwalker post-expansion content for Final Fantasy XIV is coming to a close, fans and players can relive the incredible moments of the past two years with a new art book, avail...

We’re days out from the Jan. 16 release of Final Fantasy XIV Patch 6.55, but teasers and hints have already pushed anticipation into a fever pitch. That’s because Square Enix has updated the 6....

With the release of Dawntrail, Final Fantasy XIV will welcome female Hrthogar as the latest race to join the game. But according to FFXIV director and producer Naoki “Yoshi-P” Yos...

There’s no doubt that game director and productor Naoki “Yoshi-P” Yoshida is the driving force between Final Fantasy XIV’s incredible rebirth and subsequent success. So it’s hard to imagine wha...

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker is winding down at the end of the expansion’s lifespan, with Dawntrail on the horizon, but that won’t stop Square Enix from putting out a few more content pa...

Final Fantasy XIV is famous for undergoing a rebirth from its initial release in 2010 to its relaunch in 2013 with A Realm Reborn. But the games director and producer, Naoki “Yoshi-P” Yo...

After years of anticipation from fans, female Hrothgar are finally being added to Final Fantasy XIV. The reveal comes from the Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival in Tokyo, along with plenty...

After months of speculation and years of waiting, Female Hrothgar are finally coming to Final Fantasy XIV in the Dawntrail expansion, but with them comes the unfortunate reality that thi...

The answer to the question on every Final Fantasy XIV player’s lips has sadly not arrived, as the game's director and producer Naoki “Yoshi-P” Yoshida didn’t confirm a release date for Dawnt...

Final Fantasy XIV's initial release was considered a failure by many, and its future didn't shine very brightly. The game saw a resurrection with A Realm Reborn, and the hard w...