Are you looking for a new friend? Do you have a weird thing for people who cannot be pried out of their parents’ basement? Are you just trying to finish the “Introductions” quest? Here’s what you need to know about Stardew Valley’s chief feelings-haver Sebastian, up to and including where to find him at all hours of the day.
Where’s Sebastian? Daily Schedule & Whereabouts
Sebastian has a certain infamy among long-time Stardew Valley fans because of the “Introductions” quest at the start of a new game. When you first arrive in Pelican Town, Sebastian spends most of his waking hours behind the locked door to Robin and Demetrius’s basement. There’s only one hour on a typical weekday in which you can find Sebastian in his parents’ kitchen. The rest of the time, he’s inaccessible.
An additional complication is that Sebastian’s daily schedule can change based upon what you’ve managed to achieve in Pelican Town, as well as your level of friendship with him and/or whether or not it’s raining. It’s hard to be Sebastian’s friend, which makes sense thematically, but it’s still a little obnoxious.
The good news is that Sebastian’s schedule is fairly predictable, especially if you wait until the weekends to chat him up.
The bad news is that unlike some other villagers, befriending Sebastian doesn’t offer you anything mechanically useful, such as recipes or food. He might give you occasional rare items like Frozen Tears, but that isn’t until you’ve married him. If you’re looking to pursue Sebastian, you’re in it strictly for the love of the game.
Sebastian’s Spring Schedule
At the start of a new game, the easiest way to find Sebastian is to be in Robin and Demetrius’s kitchen at 5:30 PM on weekdays. This is when Sebastian emerges from the basement to look for food.
On rainy days, Sebastian may also hang out from 1:30 to 5 PM on the pier at the Beach. If he’s not there, he’s playing pool with Sam at the Stardrop Saloon from 3 to 9 PM.
Sebastian’s a little easier to find on the weekends. On Friday nights, he’s at the Saloon from 3 to 9 PM, and he spends Saturdays in town hanging out with Sam. Unless you’re at a high level of friendship with Sam, the easiest way to find Sebastian on a Saturday in Spring is to wait until 6 PM and catch him as he’s leaving Sam’s house.
Once you reach 6 hearts or higher with Sebastian, his schedule changes slightly. On the 11th and 25th of the month, he comes outside around 6:30 PM to smoke by the lake. He also tends to take his meal break earlier in the day, around 3:00 PM.
When You Can Find Sebastian
- Robin and Demetrius’s kitchen at 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM on weekdays.
- On rainy days, he'll be in one of two places:
- 1:30 to 5 PM on the pier at the Beach.
- At the Stardrop Saloon from 5:20 PM to 9:10 PM.
- Once the railroad is unlocked (Summer Year 1), Sebastian sometimes hangs out at various places on the railroad map between 2 and 9:30 PM on Thursdays.
- On Friday nights, he’s at the Saloon from 3 to 9 PM playing pool with Sam.
- On Saturdays, he hangs out with Sam all day:
- 9 AM: Sebastian leaves his house.
- 12:30 PM: hanging out in Sam's bedroom.
- 6 to 7:30 PM: smoking by the river outside Sam's house.
- 7:30: goes back to his own house.
- Once you've reached 6 hearts or higher with Sebastian, he goes to the kitchen in his house at 3 PM, and goes to the nearby lakeshore to smoke from 6:30 to 9:30 PM. This only seems to happen on the 11th and 25th in a given month.
Sebastian’s Summer Schedule
In much the same way as Spring, Sebastian spends most of his Summertime waking hours in his basement, aside from having dinner at 5:30 PM. He also spends most of the day of Summer 4 in the Clinic for his annual checkup.
Once the Railroad becomes available on Summer 3, Sebastian may also hang out there on Thursday afternoons from 2 to 9:30 PM, usually near the train station or the transit tunnel. This persists through the rest of the game and every other season. My dude likes trains, I guess.
Otherwise, Sebastian’s Summer schedule is much the same as Spring’s. This includes hanging out at the Saloon on Friday nights and at Sam’s on Saturdays, and how he’ll come out of his basement at night if you’ve gotten him to 6 hearts or higher.
When You Can Find Sebastian
- Robin and Demetrius’s kitchen at 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM on weekdays.
- On rainy days, he'll be in one of two places:
- 1:30 to 5 PM on the pier at the Beach.
- At the Stardrop Saloon from 5:20 PM to 9:10 PM.
- Once the railroad is unlocked, Sebastian sometimes hangs out at various places on the railroad map between 2 and 9:30 PM on Thursdays.
- On Friday nights, he’s at the Saloon from 3 to 9 PM playing pool with Sam.
- On Saturdays, he hangs out with Sam all day:
- 9 AM: Sebastian leaves his house.
- 12:30 PM: hanging out in Sam's bedroom.
- 6 to 7:30 PM: smoking by the river outside Sam's house.
- 7:30: goes back to his own house.
- Once you've reached 6 hearts or higher with Sebastian, he goes to the kitchen in his house at 3 PM, and goes to the nearby lakeshore to smoke from 6:30 to 9:30 PM. This only seems to happen on the 11th and 25th in a given month.
Sebastian’s Fall Schedule
There aren’t a lot of differences between Sebastian’s Summer and Fall schedules. You’re still better off trying to find him on Friday nights at the Saloon, on Thursdays at the train station, or at Sam’s place on Saturdays.
If you don’t find him in his basement during the early afternoon, Sebastian occasionally leaves in the Fall to hang out by the shore of the lake. Look for him near the mines entrance by 2 PM, and if you can’t find him, return to the kitchen in his house. He’ll meet you there at 4 PM.
When You Can Find Sebastian
- Robin and Demetrius’s kitchen at 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM on weekdays.
- On rainy days, he'll be in one of two places:
- 1:30 to 5 PM on the pier at the Beach.
- At the Stardrop Saloon from 5:20 PM to 9:10 PM.
- Sebastian sometimes hangs out at various places on the railroad map between 2 and 9:30 PM on Thursdays.
- On Friday nights, he’s at the Saloon from 3 to 9 PM playing pool with Sam.
- On Saturdays, he hangs out with Sam all day:
- 9 AM: Sebastian leaves his house.
- 12:30 PM: hanging out in Sam's bedroom.
- 6 to 7:30 PM: smoking by the river outside Sam's house.
- 7:30: goes back to his own house.
- Once you've reached 6 hearts or higher with Sebastian, he goes to the kitchen in his house at 3 PM, and goes to the nearby lakeshore to smoke from 6:30 to 9:30 PM. This only seems to happen on the 11th and 25th in a given month.
- In the fall, Sebastian may also be found randomly wandering around the shores of the lake east of his house on weekdays between 2 and 4 PM, then spends 4 to 5:30 PM in Robin and Demetrius's kitchen.
Sebastian’s Winter Schedule
The only substantial deviation from Sebastian’s routine – wake up, go to his computer, only occasionally leave the basement – is on Winter 16 when he’s at the Night Market from 5 to 11:30 PM. Otherwise, he sticks to his usual routine.
When You Can Find Sebastian
- Robin and Demetrius’s kitchen at 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM on weekdays.
- On rainy days, he'll be in one of two places:
- 1:30 to 5 PM on the pier at the Beach.
- At the Stardrop Saloon from 5:20 PM to 9:10 PM.
- Once the railroad is unlocked (Summer Year 1), Sebastian sometimes hangs out at various places on the railroad map between 2 and 9:30 PM on Thursdays.
- On Friday nights, he’s at the Saloon from 3 to 9 PM playing pool with Sam.
- On Saturdays, he hangs out with Sam all day:
- 9 AM: Sebastian leaves his house.
- 12:30 PM: hanging out in Sam's bedroom.
- 6 to 7:30 PM: smoking by the river outside Sam's house.
- 7:30: goes back to his own house.
- Once you've reached 6 hearts or higher with Sebastian, he goes to the kitchen in his house at 3 PM, and goes to the nearby lakeshore to smoke from 6:30 to 9:30 PM. This only seems to happen on the 11th and 25th in a given month.
That’s where you need to be to regularly find Sebastian in Stardew Valley. Good luck befriending everyone’s favorite antisocial recluse… and hey, if you’re spending too much time doing so, don’t forget to go outside every once in a while. Sebastian’s not meant to be a role model.