Stardew Valley: Sebastian Gifts Guide

What does Sebastian like, anyway? Here's what you can throw his way to deepen your friendship while playing Stardew Valley.

He’s really into his computer, he rarely leaves his mom’s basement, and he just looks like he’s really into My Chemical Romance. What’s not to like about Sebastian? Here’s how a Stardew Valley player can stun Sebastian into compliance with his favorite gifts.

What Does Sebastian Like? A Gift Guide for Stardew Valley

The following table is for loves/likes/etc. that are specific to Sebastian. If all else fails, you can give him Coffee or Rabbit's Feet, both of which are popular with every adult in the village.

Gifts Sebastian Loves

  • Frozen Tear
  • Obsidian
  • Pumpkin Soup
  • Sashimi
  • Void Egg

Gifts Sebastian Likes

  • Flounder
  • Quartz

Gifts Sebastian Tolerates (Neutral)

  • All fruit
  • Fish (except Flounder, Carp, & Snail)

Gifts Sebastian Dislikes

  • All mushrooms (Chanterelle, Morel, Magma Cap, etc.)
  • Foraged goods (Winter Root, Wild Horseradish, Leek. Etc.)
  • Holly

Gifts Sebastian Hates

  • All eggs (except Void Eggs, as mentioned above)
  • Clay
  • Complete Breakfast
  • Farmer’s Lunch
  • Omelet
  • Pina Colada

That’s what to give Sebastian if you’re trying to get on his good side. For more Stardew Valley tips, check out our dedicated page.

How Friendship Works in Stardew Valley

Let’s talk a little bit about how friendship works "under the hood" in Stardew Valley. If you’re simply playing the game, each character’s affection for you is measured in up to 10 Hearts (14 for a spouse), which can be tracked on the Social tab of your inventory screen. Do enough things the character likes, and the hearts go up. At certain heart levels, you trigger special events with that character (below), which can result in more opportunities to gain friendship, getting some gifts of your own like recipes, or at least entertain you.

Sebastian's 6-heart board game event in Stardew Valley.

Each visible heart is worth 250 invisible “friendship points,” for want of a better term, and there are a few different ways to earn those points. You can befriend a villager by simply talking to them once a day (20 pts.), completing their random item delivery quests (150 pts.), or going to see a movie with them (200/100 pts. if they enjoy the flick). Every day you don't interact with a villager, their friendship points go down by 2.

Giving a villager gifts is the arguably fastest way to grind hearts, however, as long as you’ve got a reliable source for something that villager loves.

Stardew Valley Gift-Giving Table

  • Loves: +80
  • Likes: +45
  • Neutral: +20
  • Dislikes: -20
  • Hate: -40

These gains are multiplied by 5 during the Feast of the Winter Star event and multiplied by 8 on a villager’s birthday. You also gain an additive 10%/25%/50% bonus for giving higher-quality versions of an item when they’re available.

Sebastian can be tricky to grind hearts with because he’s a bit of a diva compared to other villagers. Many of his favorite gifts are random drops or can't be reliably farmed until relatively late in the game. Compared to easy-to-please characters like Leah, Maru, Lewis, or especially ol' Parsnip Pam, Sebastian is on hard mode.

Giving Sebastian something he loves in Stardew Valley.

The easiest way to get on Sebastian’s good side is arguably through giving him Sashimi, which can be made with any fish. To learn how to make Sashimi, befriend Linus the homeless guy, who’ll mail you the recipe once you’re at 3 Hearts or higher with him.

Alternatively, stockpile Pumpkins in the fall, then grind rep with Robin until she sends you the recipe for Pumpkin Soup (7 Hearts). They take a long time to grow, but that’s what Fertilizer is for.

About the Author

Thomas Wilde

Word-style nerd hero, as seen in DoubleJump Books and elsewhere. Powered by comic books, survival horror, yerba mate, and mostly sarcasm.