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On Monday, Feb. 5, Square Enix revealed details of the Final Fantasy XIV Xbox Series X|S open beta test, which begins Wednesday, Feb. 21. This test will be the first chance for Xbox players to...

There's no single build in Elden Ring that can deal more damage than a straightforward glass cannon mage with high Intelligence and all the best Sorceries in the game. Where it lacks in defense...

We all get by with a little help from friends, and that includes within the Lands Between of Elden Ring. In FromSoftware's hit action-adventure game, the Spirit Calling Bell allows you to call...

Elden Ring Incantations form the backbone of support spells across the game as part of the Faith class of abilities. Rather than focusing entirely on holy spells as you might expect, they also...

When you take on your first few Alpha Pals or any bigger, more formidable enemies in-game, you'll receive some high-quality drops and subsequently may wonder how the Palworld boss respawn timer...

If you feel as if you have put all of your allocated points into the wrong stats in Elden Ring, don’t panic. As you progress through the game, you’ll find that there is a way to respec once you’ve bea...
In Palwold, one of the most versatile and used materials, especially in the early game, is Cloth. But unlike many materials, Cloth can’t simply be gathered from around the world or harvested fr...
Palword is filled with over one hundred Pals to befriend, fight, and find - but which ones are the best? With a whole wide Pal-filled world to explore, you'll need to cover a lot of ground to find eve...
Palword is filled with over one hundred Pals to befriend, fight, and find - but which ones are the best? With a whole wide Pal-filled world to explore, you'll need to cover a lot of ground to find eve...

Exciting news was released earlier today when players finally learned when the Xbox Series X|S Final Fantasy XIV beta period would begin. However, those who looked deeper pointed out that there...

Everybody loves a real Manderville man, and with Patch 6.55 Final Fantasy XIV, we get another adventure with the Gentleman of Light. The FFXIV Hildibrand quests are a series of goo...
Palword is filled with over one hundred Pals to befriend, fight, and find - but which ones are the best? With a whole wide Pal-filled world to explore, you'll need to cover a lot of ground to find eve...

While many patches have brought a better balance to which of Final Fantasy XIV's DPS jobs stands out above the rest, some jobs succeed only in the right hands. The melee DPS Samurai,...

Retainers are a passive way to make gil in Final Fantasy XIV. Beyond just being the access point to the market board, giving you the ability to sell your items to other players, Retainers are a...

In July 2023, Final Fantasy XIV director and producer Naoki “Yoshi-P” Yoshida made waves by announcing that after years of PC and PlayStation exclusivity, the game would finally come to Xbox. A...

In Final Fantasy XIV, the Scholar is the healer who protects players with strong shields and fairy magic. Due to the fast queues when running leveling roulettes, it's also the quickest way...

There are many ways in Final Fantasy XIV for players to customize their character through glamours, the aesthetician, and fashion accessories. Their trusty chocobo companions can also strut the...

There’s plenty of grinds in Final Fantasy XIV, from Bozja to Blue Mage spells, but few are less complicated and harder than Eureka, Stormblood’s Relic Weapon grind. In fact, with only a...

Square Enix, the developers of Final Fantasy XIV, have been tight-lipped on the release dates of upcoming patches since the release of 6.55. It’s understood there’s at least three more small up...

A new Palworld update is upon us, and with it comes the ability to own just about every Pal you could ever hope to stuff into the murkiest depths of your Palbox. With Pocketpair's latest patch,...