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The Diadem is an unusual piece of instanced gathering content in Final Fantasy XIV that’s gone through a half dozen iterations to eventually become what it is today. Originally a Disciples of W...
In Palworld, you can put your Pals to work in your base and have them toil to create more materials and resources for your adventure. But as you work your Pals on your base you might notice Pal...

It's bad enough that Palworld players have to deal with Syndicate thugs raiding their base now and then, but rampant cheaters have rendered the game unplayable for some. Thankfully, developer P...

As is the trend with most remakes in the Pokémon series, Pokémon Legends: Arceus—a new spin on the existing remake formula—provided players with new forms for the region's mascot Legenda...

There’s never been a better time to start killing your fellow Final Fantasy XIV players, as Unity Fest promotes PvP to raise money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). A m...

Final Fantasy XIV has collaborated with many other games and brands over the years, but their latest partnership with The Prisoner Wine Company might be their most refined. As announced on F...

Origin Forme Dialga is finally making its way to Pokemon GO, expanding on the Legendary Pokemon's time-controlling powers with not only some of the most powerful moves in the mobile title, but...
It has been exactly four weeks since the "Pokemon with guns" Survival game, Palworld, erupted onto the scene. In these four weeks, this Early Access title has experienced a massive surge in int...

Infinite Craft is one of the more novel gaming trends as of late, showing that sometimes all it takes is a simple premise with a keen sense of humor to make an impact. All you do in this game is smash...

When players start their adventures in their Pokemon title of choice, they are bound to stumble upon a handful of helpful creatures that inhabit the early-game locations. Among these is almost always...

Playing a solo game of Palworld is enjoyable, as you don't have to trail behind anyone else as you capture every type of Pal and build a skyscraper base. But sometimes, even with an army of Pals to do...

While Final Fantasy XIV offers a few different healers to choose from, including the more shield-oriented Sage or Scholar and the pure-healing White Mage, Astrologian stands out with its intric...

There are plenty of fish in the seas of Final Fantasy XIV, some of which, like the big fish, are more elusive than others. These big fish vary a lot in difficulty, with most providing a de...

As the list of Pokemon grows, and the number of Pokemon types with it, keeping up with how each type interacts with one another can be challenging. While type interactions are the same between mainlin...

Final Fantasy XIV’s social media accounts are teasing players with new illustrations of their favorite characters. The posts, which began on Feb. 8, have now showcased Urianger and Thancred and...

While traveling across Palpagos Islands, you will notice multiple copies of the same Pal wandering the land. If you capture and inspect each of them, you will notice that they have different skills. P...

There is plenty of overworld content to tackle in Palworld, with unique world bosses such as Mammorest roaming the land, begging an aspiring player to toss a Giga Sphere its way. But did you kn...
Palword is filled with over one hundred Pals to befriend, fight, and find - but which ones are the best? With a whole wide Pal-filled world to explore, you'll need to cover a lot of ground to find eve...
Palword is filled with over one hundred Pals to befriend, fight, and find - but which ones are the best? With a whole wide Pal-filled world to explore, you'll need to cover a lot of ground to find eve...
Palword is filled with over one hundred Pals to befriend, fight, and find - but which ones are the best? With a whole wide Pal-filled world to explore, you'll need to cover a lot of ground to find eve...