
Pokemon Normal Type Guide - Weaknesses, Strengths, Counters

The strongest Normal type Pokemon in both Pokemon GO, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, and their greatest weaknesses.

As the list of Pokemon grows, and the number of Pokemon types with it, keeping up with how each type interacts with one another can be challenging. While type interactions are the same between mainline installments like Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and Pokemon GO, their strengths and weaknesses are utilized differently, especially when it comes to which Pokemon you want to use to be the very best. The good news is we’re here to help with our handy Pokemon-type guides focusing on strengths, weaknesses, and counters. In this guide we’re going to take a look at the Normal-type specifically.

If you’re looking for a complete Pokemon type chart, we have that as well, just head to the link below!

Pokemon Normal Type Weaknesses & Counters

Normal type Pokemon have just one weakness: Fighting. You’ll want to use a Pokemon of this type if you’re trying to deal with any Normal-type Pokemon.

That means you’ll want to use a strong Fighting-type Pokemon.

  • Fighting: If you want to put the beatdown on opposing Normal-types with Fighting-type Pokemon, you have plenty of options. Fighting-types with high Attack and Special Attack stats like Poliwrath, Heracross, Breloom, Gallade, Conkeldurr, Sneasler, and Iron Hands will hit hard. You also don’t need to worry much about bringing a Pokemon with a secondary typing, as Normal-type moves aren’t super-effective against any types. 

Pokemon Normal Type Strengths

If you’re looking to use Normal-type Pokemon, you’ll have to rely on hard hits and some strategy to win, since Normal-tpye attacks don’t hit any of the other 18 types for double damage. What you’ll want to work with are Normal-types that have high stats like Blissey or Slaking, or Normal-types that have a secondary type they can benefit from, like Psychic. Normal/Psychic-type Pokemon like Oranguru, Indeedee, and Wyrdeer can combat Fighting-type Pokemon who are looking to punish Normal’s weakness to Fighting.   

Unfortunately, the lack of any type-advantages means that there are also no Pokemon that take 4x damage from Normal-type attacks.

Best Normal Type Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet

The best Normal-type Pokemon you can use in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet depends on how you judge them. If you’re doing comparing highest Attack/Special Attack base stats, the top five are:

  1. Regigigas (160 base Attack)
  2. Slaking (160 base Attack)
  3. Ursaluna (140 base Attack)
  4. Bloodmoon Ursaluna (135 base Special Attack)
  5. Porygon-Z (135 base Special Attack)

Best Normal Type Pokemon in Pokemon GO

The best Normal type creatures in Pokemon GO depend on how you judge them. If you’re doing a straight up maximum CP comparison the top five are:

  1. Slaking (5,010)
  2. Regigigas (4,913)
  3. Meloetta (4,490)
  4. Ursaluna (4,358)
  5. Porygon-Z (3,693)

The judgments change a bit when you’re actually battling, however. Shadow Regigigas is by far the best Normal-type attacker in Pokemon GO, as long as it’s equipped with Hidden Power and Giga Impact. Other strong Normal-type fighters are Regigigas, Shadow Porygon-Z, Mega Lopunny, Meloetta, and Porygon Z.

We know that in Pokemon there is no singular right answer for every situation, do you have your own recommendations? Let your fellow trainers know in the comments below. 

About the Author

Jaxson Tapp

Jaxson is a game journalist and critic covering Nintendo news and games for websites like Nintendo Wire. He is also a film critic for InQua Magazine.