Barbara is a 4-Star Hydro Catalyst character in Genshin Impact. Learn about Barbara's Support, ascension materials, best weapons, best artifacts, talent priority, skills, teams, and our rating of the character in this build guide!
Barbara Pegg is a playable Hydro character in Genshin Impact.
She is the deaconess of the Church of Favonius and a prominent "idol" after learning about them from the intrepid adventurer Alice. She is also the younger sister of the Acting Grand Master Jean.
Pure Healer
Barbara’s primary role in teams is to only provide sustained healing as well as a large burst of it in emergencies. This playstyle is generally easier to gear compared to her DPS counterpart.
A niche and complex playstyle that builds on Barbara’s fast animation cancels while aiming to maximize her field time. Makes use of the Vaporize reaction or 4 Ocean-Hued Clam (4OHC) passive.
In both playstyles Barbara can act as a Hydro applicator for the team.
Barbara can be leveled to Lvl.90 to maximize her HP and healing.
For talents you want to prioritize:
- Let the Show Begin ♪ (Elemental Skill)
- Shining Miracle ♪ (Elemental Burst)
Whisper of Water (Normal Attack)
Leveling Barbara’s Normal Attacks is not recommended unless she is played as a DPS.
Barbara is a powerful healer with a weakness of inability to produce damage using her Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst. Ocean-Hued Clam artifact is great for Barbara enabling her to deal physical damage using her skills. The substitutes are great for recovering a high amount of HP with consistency.
- Ocean-Hued Clam (4-Piece)
- Maiden Beloved (4-Piece)
- Ocean-Hued Clam (2-Piece) + Maiden Beloved (2-Piece)
For attributes you want:
- HP% on Sands
- HP% on Goblet
- Healing Bonus% on Circlet
Sub stat priority is HP% > Flat HP
Barbara doesnt need to build ER.
EM is a niche option that is viable when Barbara is paired with Xiangling to trigger Vaporize or when she is acting as a Hydro applicator in teams centered around Dendro reactions. ER is not recommended as Barbara should not be looking to Burst every rotation. HP/HP/HP and ATK/Hydro/CRIT can be weaker variants for Pure Healer or 4OHC.
With this build, Barbara is going to focus on off-field healing-per-second with Skill & strong healing with Burst and Thrilling Tales can provide an ATK buff to the next character that takes the field. On the other hand, substitute weapons can provide additional HP recovery due to a higher HP stat compared to Thrilling Tales.
- Everlasting Moonglow (HP %)
- Prototype Amber (HP %)
- Thrilling Tales Of Dragon Slayers (HP %)
If you don't have the optimal weapons, these are solid options as well.
- Favonius Codex (Energy Recharge %)
- Otherworldly Story (Energy Recharge %)
Barbara is great for Hydro Reactions. Since her Elemental Skill does not damage but has a high Elemental infliction making her suited for Blooms and reaction teams.
- Vaporize Team
- Burgeon Team
- Nilou Bloom
- Electro-Charged Superconduct
C6 Helps in Spiral Abyss
Reviving a teammate in Spiral Abyss is an extremely rare character ability. Just remember that you will need to wait 15 minutes while inside the chamber to reset the cooldown.
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