
Pokemon GO Verdant Wonders Event - All Bonuses, Encounters, and Raids

Prepare to discover the secrets of the jungle.

Spring is just a few days away for the Northern Hemisphere, not only bringing out the sunlight and colors of nature in the real world, but in the world of Pokemon GO as well. With the Verdant Wonders event from March 21 to March 25, players of the mobile title will notice a massive increase of Grass Type Pokemon, particularly those associated with blossoming flowers and shrubbery.

And, for the first time in nearly two years, players will finally have another opportunity to add the Mythical Pokemon Zarude to their collections—if they dish out $8 for Special Research that will only be purchasable from the in-game shop during the event duration. This Special Research will culminate in an encounter with Zarude, but along the way will provide players with helpful items like Premium Battle Passes and Rare Candies, as well as Pokemon that match Zarude's Dark and Grass typing.

Fortunately, the premium Special Research pass doesn't much of the event's bonuses behind a paywall, meaning all players can indulge in nearly everything the Verdant Wonders event has to offer—particularly its array of Grass Type Pokemon.

The Mythical Pokemon Zarude resembles a large monkey with vines wrapped around its wrists.

Pokemon GO Verdant Wonders Event Bonuses

Unlike other events in Pokemon GO, the Verdant Wonders event will not include any event-long bonuses that players can enjoy for completing standard tasks like hatching Eggs and catching Pokemon. Instead, this event will focus on a new Collection Challenge that encourages players to catch Pokemon with increased spawns, as well as themed PokeStop Showcases.

The standard bonuses coinciding with the World of Wonders season, including two free Raid Passes per day, increased experience for competing in one and three-star Raids, and double damage when challenging Raids alongside friends. These are not exclusive to this event and will continue until the World of Wonders season ends on June 1.

An image of Whimsicott, Flabebe, Zarude, and Cottonee in a jungle setting.

Pokemon GO Verdant Wonders Event Encounters

The reemergence of long, sunny days is welcoming back a plethora of Grass Type Pokemon (among others) to the world of Pokemon GO, including a handful of Pokemon that don't normally appear outside of specific event periods. 

  • Increased wild spawns: Bulbasaur, Oddish, Tangela, Hoppip, Poochyena, Nuzleaf, Shroomish, and Cutiefly
    • Rare wild spawns: Pansage, Pansear, Panpour, Zorua, and Flabébé (White Flower and Orange Flower)
  • Field Research encounters: Vulpix, Poliwag, Marill, Slugma, Pansage, Pansear, Panpour

Additionally, a Cottonee wearing a flower crown is debuting as an event-exclusive costumed Pokemon in the widl and through Field Research, with the ability to both evolve and be Shiny. Players in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa will also have a chance to find Flabébé (Red Flower), while Flabébé (Blue Flower) will appear in Asia and Flabébé (Yellow Flower) in the Americas. This event marks the first time that Flabébé can appear Shiny in Pokemon GO, with this possibility remaining after the event duration concludes.

Those that purchase the Special Research ticket will also be given access to bonus encounters through activating Incenses. These Pokemon include Pansage, Pansear, Panpour, Cutiefly, Flabébé (White Flower), Flabébé (Orange Flower), Cottonee wearing a flower crown, and Zorua.


Pokemon GO Verdant Wonders Event Raids

Though this event will be lasting nearly a week, it will not be altering the Raid pool whatsoever. Tapu Lele will highlight five-star Raids with the start of the Verdant Wonders event, while Mega Venusaur will begin to appear in Mega Raids.

Players should also look forward to the Primal Groudon Raid Day on March 23, marking the first time that this Primal Reversion has been accessible to all players in a number of years.

About the Author

Ethan Garcia

Since Ethan was but a young lad, he's lived and breathe Pokémon to the point where, not only is it probably unhealthy, but he remembers each and every one, as well as facts about them. When he's not consumed in thinking about these fictional creatures, he's using his journalism degree from Syracuse University to report about news regarding general gaming and esports, doing his best to enlighten those not familiar with these areas about why they mean so much to so many people.