Of the 18 types that currently exist within the Pokemon series, Ice Type Pokemon have long struggled to find an identity outside of being elusive, late-game encounters. Even the Gym Leaders that specialize in Ice Type Pokemon don't appear until the end of most Pokemon titles, at points in which players have already established their teams and therefore have very little difficulty breaking through their brittle defenses.
But players would be wrong to underestimate the tricks that many of these frigid Pokemon are capable of. The series as a whole began to acknowledge glaring issues with the Ice Type in Pokemon Sun and Moon thanks to the addition of the move Aurora Veil, which encouraged players to set up Hail with their Ice Type Pokemon and immediately be rewarded with immense defensive buffs.
Since then, Ice Type Pokemon have continued to gain new tools that have created new strategies in competitive formats, though the rarity of these Pokemon continues to be a rather glaring, unsolved issue. Still, whether it be freezing opponents in place or establishing frozen solid barriers, Ice Type Pokemon are great additions to nearly any casual or competitive team and can change the flow of battles in ways no other types can.
For those looking to find ways around Ice Type Pokemon, as well as those hoping to utilize them to their fullest potential, here's a breakdown of the type's intricacies.
Pokemon Ice Type Weaknesses and Counters
Before battles freeze over, players should look to answer Ice Type Pokemon with Fire, Fighting, Rock, and Steel Type attacks—many of which can be learned by Pokemon that are not particularly these types. Pokemon of these types are also abundant throughout the series, giving players a plethora of options to choose from depending on the situation.
Attacking Type | Super Effective Against | Weak To |
Ice | Dragon Flying Grass Ground | Fighting Fire Rock Steel |
The most glaring weakness that Ice Type Pokemon possess is to Fire Type attacks. Due to most Ice Types having naturally low defenses without assistance from allies, even the weakest Fire Type attack can deal immense super-effective damage to Ice Type Pokemon—and a built-in resistance to Ice Type attacks gives Fire Type Pokemon an even greater edge. Nearly any Fire Type Pokemon, whether it be Arcanine, Chandelure, Volcarona, or Ceruledge can melt any ice without hesitation. Fire Type attacks like Flamethrower and Fire Blast are also readily available for Pokemon of numerous other types, giving them an efficient way to tackle Ice Type Pokemon.
If a wall of ice stands in your way, simply break it down with sheer force. Just like with Fire Type attacks, Fighting Type attacks like Close Combat, Hammer Arm, and Focus Blast make quick work of nearly any Ice Type Pokemon. When used by Fighting Type Pokemon—including powerhouses like Machamp, Lucario, Conkeldurr, and Annihilape—these attacks will deal even more damage due to the same-type-attack-bonus (STAB) they provide. However, players should keep in mind that Fighting Type Pokemon do not resist Ice Type attacks, so the damage done to most will be neutral.
Rock Type Pokemon are a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to strengths and weaknesses. While their super-effective nature against types like Ice can come in handy, they oftentimes struggle to stay afloat due to how many types can take them down easily. Thus, if using Rock Type Pokemon to deal with Ice Types, players need to be wary of any secondary types that give opponents more room to fight back. Opt for Pokemon like Tyranitar, Gigalith, Lycanroc, and Coalossal, or Rock Type moves such as Rock Slide and Stone Edge on non-Rock Type Pokemon.
With the emergence of Fairy Type Pokemon in Pokemon X and Y, Steel Type Pokemon and attacks have experienced a resurgence in all areas of Pokemon titles. Ice Type attacks are yet another resistance in the long list that Steel Type Pokemon possess, while in response Ice Types are one of the only types that Steel Type attacks deal super-effective damage against. As these Pokemon are more naturally defensive than offensive, it may be difficult to knock down Ice Types with most Steel Type Pokemon, though options like Metagross, Magnezone, Aegislash, Kingambit, and Gholdengo stray from this trend.

Pokemon Ice Type Strengths
Ice Type Pokemon, though elusive, can fill a variety of different niches on a team that can catch opponents off-guard. For example, offensive powerhouses like Baxcalibur, Galarian Darmanitan, and the Legendary Pokemon Chien-Pao can sweep through opponents with ease with moves like Icicle Crash, Ice Beam, and Avalanche. Meanwhile, more supportive Ice Type Pokemon like Alolan Ninetales and Lapras can make use of their time on the field with moves that will support their allies or disrupt opponents, like Aurora Veil, Icy Wind, Mist, and Haze.
Ice Type attacks only deal super-effective damage to Flying, Grass, and Ground Type Pokemon—all types that appear quite often in casual playthroughs, but unfortunately ones that are not as common in the competitive realm. Most players opt to bring Ice Type Pokemon due to the neutral damage they deal to nearly every type, as well as the chance to stop their opponents from moving completely.
The most crucial mechanic Ice Type attacks uniquely possess is their ability to freeze opponents in place. Most Ice Type attacks have a small chance to freeze anything it makes contact with (unless it is an Ice Type or a Pokemon with an Ability like Flame Body), though unlike when a Pokemon is sleeping, there is no set number of turns in which the Pokemon will be able to act once more. Instead, the ability to thaw out comes down to luck, with the only way of manipulating it being the use of one of several Fire Type attacks, which will melt the ice instantly.

Freeze Dry, an Ice Type attack introduced in Pokemon X and Y, stands out from nearly all other moves within the entire series. While Ice Type attacks normally deal not-very-effective damage to Water Type Pokemon, Freeze Dry will actually do super-effective damage against them—an attribute no other move possesses (without external help).
Ice Type Pokemon also benefit heavily when Snow (formerly Hail) is present on the battlefield. Whether it appear naturally, through a move like Snowscape or Chilly Reception, or an ability like Snow Warning, Snow doesn't normally impact the tide of battle on either side. However, if an Ice Type Pokemon is on the field, its Defense stat is boosted by half while the Snow persists, giving them an extra bit of survivability against physical attacks. Snow only lasts for five turns, though can be extended if a Pokemon holds an Icy Rock.
Snow also allows for two specific Ice Type attacks to be used with guaranteed success. Aurora Veil, which can be learned by Pokemon like Alolan Ninetales and Iron Bundle, sets up a defensive barrier for the user's entire team akin to using both Reflect and Light Screen—but can only be used in the Snow. Meanwhile Blizzard, one of the strongest Ice Type attacks in the entire series, will always make contact with all opponents should Snow be on the battlefield.
Various Abilities, such as Slush Rush, Ice Body, and Snow Cloak give Pokemon a bit of additional help for battling in the Snow. The Ability Refrigerate will even turn all of the user's Normal Type attacks into Ice Type ones with an ample damage boost, opening even more strategies with different moves to be used by players.
The Pokemon Eiscue, which debuted in Pokemon Sword and Shield, has a peculiar interaction with Snow thanks to its Ability Ice Face. This Ability acts as a free Substitute for Eiscue until it takes damage, but once it does, it changes to its Noice Face Form, where its stats change to become more offensively-oriented. Should it be snowing, however, Esicue will return to its Ice Face Form until it takes damage once more.

Best Ice Type Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet was extraordinarily kind to the Ice Type with the addition of several new Ice Type Pokemon that have taken the type to new heights. These powerful creatures, coupled with a number of Ice Type Pokemon that made their triumphant return to the series through The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC, are likely to remain viable for all players in any situation, especially if they can successfully utilize the type's unique strengths.
Here are the five Ice Type Pokemon in the Switch titles that boast the highest offensive stats.
- Black Kyurem (170 base Attack) / White Kyurem (170 base Special Attack) / Kyurem (130 base Special Attack)
- Baxcalibur (145 base Attack)
- Galarian Darmanitan (140 base attack) / Galarian Darmanitan Zen Mode (160 base Attack)
- Glaceon (130 base Special Attack)
- Frosmoth (125 base Special Attack)
Best Ice Type Pokemon in Pokemon GO
Meanwhile, Ice Type Pokemon in Pokemon GO are particularly useful in Raids that feature Legendary Pokemon, as many of the series' most ferocious creatures are part-Dragon Type. Due to the lack of battle strategies in the GO Battle League, they aren't the most efficient in PvP—though certain Ice Type Pokemon are capable of thriving due to their large movepools and even secondary typings.
These are the Ice Type Pokemon currently available in the mobile title with the highest max Combat Power (CP), which is a stat gathered by factoring in all of that Pokemon's stats, with the maximum value only being available through perfect stats and the use of Candy XLs. Mega Evolutions will not be taken into account in this list.
- Kyurem (4,767 max CP)
- Baxcalibur (4,729 max CP)
- Avalugg (3,871 max CP)
- Mamoswine (3,808 max CP)
- Cetitan (3,620 max CP)