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What is a raid but a miserable pile of trials? But enough talk — it’s time for the final fight of Pandaemonium Asphodelos! While Final Fantasy XIV tends to look towards other Square En...

Does anyone else sometimes crawl through Steam tags looking for the next game to play? More often than not I find myself doing this when I’m on the hunt for the next game set in space to scratch my ex...

After tons of delays, Cyberpunk 2077’s dystopian world has finally arrived. In this RPG, players assume the role of V as they make their way through the neon-drenched streets of Nig...

Previously on New Japan Pro Wrestling: 2021 has been an often depressing and/or confusing year for Japan’s biggest wrestling promotion. They’ve tanked their international reputation, annoyed fans ever...

On May 19, it was announced that Kentaro Miura — the beloved mangaka of Berserk — passed away on May 6, 2021. He died at the age of 54 due to acute aortic dissection. Fans around the world im...

For the next few months, PUBG Mobile is going dark. Not in the same way is has in India, but in a survival horror kind of way. Through an ambitious crossover with the Metro series of...

The next horrifying installment of the Resident Evil series has finally arrived. Continuing the story of Ethan Winters following the events of Resident Evil 7, Resident Evil Vil...

When everything clicks, Outriders is something to behold. Mixing genres like an wild wizard chucking potions into a cauldron, developer People Can Fly has crafted an ambitious standalone game...

While only those who purchased the Destiny 2: Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack can access the dungeon to unlock Gjallarhorn, anyone and everyone can earn Forerunner, styled after the pistol from...

A Tortured Memory of the Dying sounds pretty grisly, even in FFXIV. The game has gotten a great deal more serious over the years. That trend continues with the Bozjan Southern Front storyline...

The Monster Hunter Rise Rampage tips the odds in your foes’ favor with scores of powerful enemies. Which is why I’ve concocted even more tips of my own, to make the experience just a little b...

It is an incredible day to be an Arbalest fan. Not only has Bungie increased PVE damage for Linear Fusion Rifles in Destiny 2 by 10 percent, but it’s also given the weapon intrinsic anti-barr...

If Shadowbringers’ Amaurot showed us the end of one ancient civilization, then the sixth dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker ups the ante. Welcome to The Dead Ends. The Warrior of...

Destiny 2 Season of the Splicer is here and it’s time to elevate your fashion game. Along with new weapons, a 6 player activity, armor, story missions, and season pass, the heavily requested...

One of the big changes for Destiny 2’s new Season of the Chosen is the replacement of weekly vendor bounties. Instead, your quests tab has a new hub for new Seasonal Challenges. For...

Season 2 of Sea of Thieves has arrived, so don your peg legs, sharpen those swords, and get ready to plunder some treasure. Similar to last season, players can unlock 100 tiers of rewards via...

The big-ticket news out of the latest Final Fantasy XIV Live Letter for the Producer is that the Endwalker expansion has been delayed from November 19 (early access) and November 23....

Just before Thanksgiving, Deadline broke the news that Amazon Studios is in negotiations to adapt BioWare’s beloved sci-fi video game series Mass Effect for television. While no further details...

Persona 5 Strikers is only a few weeks away, so it’s time to rally the Phantom Thieves together for one last adventure. Developed by Omega Force and P-Studio, Strikers is a radically dif...

Eggs are an important resource in Cozy Grove: so much so that there’s a traveling merchant character who actually stops by your island once a week, peddling eggs and rare decorative wares. Eg...