The Best Items to Buy With Tomestones of Poetics in FFXIV

Decide what's best to spend those hard-earned Tomestones on!

In Final Fantasy XIV, Tomestones of Poetics are a default currency rewarded for completing duties, hunts, and other pieces of content past level 50. Initially used to secure high-level gear and make sure you’re prepared for the high-end content of each expansion apart from the latest, you’ll quickly find yourself hitting the 2,000 tomestone cap every few days if you’re playing consistently. 

As a result, you’ll need to find things to buy with these Tomestones of Poetics so you’re not wasting them. Luckily there are plenty of things to spend these tomestones on, especially as you level alt jobs, progress Relic Weapons and otherwise head towards the peaks of your FFXIV adventure.

Where to Spend Tomestones of Poetics in FFXIV

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Before you start spending those tomestones, it’s best to know where to do it. Currently, there are Rowena’s Representatives in every major city which will be able to trade your Tomestones of Poetics for items of equal level to the expansion they were added. Here are their locations:

AreaVendor NameLocation
Limsa Lominsa - Lower DecksRowena's RepresentativeX: 9.1, Y: 11.1
New GridaniaX: 11.9, Y: 12.3
Ul'dah - Steps of NaldX: 9.1, Y: 8.3
Ishgard - FoundationX: 10.5, Y: 11.8
KuganeX: 12.2, Y: 10.8
CrystariumX: 10.1, Y: 11.8
Mor DhonaAelina and AurianaX: 22.7, Y: 6.7
IdyllshireHismenaX: 5.7, Y: 5.2
EulmoreAymark and FathardX: 10.2, Y: 11.8

You’ll find that visiting the secondary cities (Mor Dhona, Idyllshire, and Eulmore) are actually a little easier to navigate than the Rowena’s Representatives, since they’re a little easier to browse. Otherwise, it’s completely up to your preference which one you choose.

Best items to buy with Tomestones of Poetics

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For the most part, the best thing to buy with tomestones is typically gear. The highest item level of gear for each level is usually the best. Beyond that, much of it has a lot of glamour appeal, so you can create the perfect glamour outfits. If you’ve got a class that’s approaching a milestone, like 50, 60, etc. pre-buying the armor and weapons with tomestones can mean an easy transition to higher level content. Below are the best gears for each milestone level:

  • Level 50 - Augmented Ironworks Weapons and Armor (il130)
  • Level 60 - Augmented Shire Weapons and Armor (il270)
  • Level 70 - Augmented Scaevan Weapons and Armor (il400)
  • Level 80 - Augmented Cryptlurker Weapons and Gear (il530)

Beyond this, Auriana (X: 22.7, Y: 6.7) in Mor Dhona sells three minions, the Wide-eyed Fawn, Dust Bunny, and Fledgling Dodo. These are definitely worth picking up as they’re very cheap and add to your minion collection.

Relic Weapon and Crafting Materials

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Without going too heavily into the methods for each Relic Weapon, the Level 50, 60, and 70 Relic Weapons require a large amount of materials to complete them. These are purchased from the various Poetics traders, but primarily from Hismena in Idyllshire. The others can be found with Auriana in Revenant’s Toll.

Making Gil with Tomestones of Poetics

Another great thing to buy with Tomestones of Poetics are items that make you gil. Specifically, you can purchase Unidentifiable Shell and Unidentifiable Ore from Hismena in Idyllshire (X: 5.8, Y: 5.3) for 150 tomestones each. These can then be traded to Bertana, standing next to her under the Uncanny Knickknacks section for Grade 3 Shroud Topsoil, and Grade 3 Thanalan Top Soil, respectively. These sell for several thousand gold usually, and are great for making gil. For more options for making with tomestones, check out a dedicated guide.

About the Author

Michael Hassall

After giving up a "real" job in Marketing in 2019, Michael started working as esports, gaming, and entertainment journalist and hasn't looked back. He lives in the UK, but wishes he lived in Eorzea, having spent 5,000 hours there. When not dutifully grinding Tomestones and being designated furniture crafter for his FC, he enjoys travel to warm places, cold drinks, light reading, and heavy metal.