The FFXIV Fashion Report for April 8, 2022 is live! It’s also the last one before we swing into Patch 6.1 with new (and newfound) adventures. Naturally, you want to look your best for the big influx of new players. Not to mention it seems like the Pod 602 Nier: Automata mount will be purchased for MGP from the Manderville Gold Saucer. Players looking for this Nier pod mount will also be looking for one of the best ways to farm MGP, naturally! And that means the Fashion Report.
The “easy 80” — the Fashion Report score that provides the maximum reward for minimal effort — is another actual easy one this week. Many of the gear options are totally free if you have the right achievements, and the only items and dyes you need are extremely cheap and easy to acquire. You just need a few hundred Gil and a couple minutes to visit a capital city. We love to see it.
Special thanks to the unstoppable Kaiyoko Star (r/kaiyoko). While we try to provide extra context on how and where to acquire specific items, Kaiyoko has collated so much of this Fashion Report data on the Final Fantasy XIV subreddit every week for years. They also provide more detailed information on getting 100 points for the associated achievement.
FFXIV Fashion Report Scoring – The Basics
FFXIV fashion is such an important aspect of the game, after all. That’s part of why the FFXIV team introduced the Fashion Report. This weekly challenge lets players play dress-up for fabulous prizes. The challenge specifically awards massive amounts of MGP (a special currency used in the Manderville Gold Saucer) which can be exchanged for items like exclusive mounts. And to get a good chunk of MGP, you just need to earn the ever-elusive 80 points in the Fashion Report by wearing the correct glamour every weekend. While the score technically goes up to 100, the 80-point requirement is what you need to receive the maximum number of MGP each event.
As always, you want to have at least a random piece of gear equipped to every slot on your character (not including the off-hand slot for secondary tools and shields). This will earn you seven Fashion Report points in every “unthemed” slot! It also doesn’t include Soul Crystals, so don’t worry about whatever Job you have equipped. You’re included, too, crafters and gatherers.
From there, you can increase your score by matching the categories laid out by the Fashion Report judge in each of the slots that are themed (i.e. named), as well as adding certain dyes. Matching the correct category of clothing to the weekly theme is worth anywhere from 6 to 10 points. The correct color of dye (e.g. grey, white, black, etc.) is worth a bonus of 1 point per slot, while finding the right shade of dye within those colors (e.g. Ice Blue, Chocolate Brown, etc.) is worth 2 points per slot. The way this math works out, you should only need one matching item and two matching dyes or two matching items with zero dyes.
Using dye to boost your Fashion Report score is typically easier than matching every category of item perfectly. That’s because most dyes are awfully cheap and accessible, while many pieces of clothing are expensive — or at least require high ranks in crafting Jobs to create. That’s not always the case, of course, since some dyes are only available for special currencies or with real money from the Mog Station. There are always exceptions that prove the rule.
If you haven’t yet unlocked the Fashion Report, you must first complete the quest “Passion for Fashion” in the Wonder Square district of the Manderville Gold Saucer. This unlocks at Level 15. After that point, the fashion theme will update every week on Tuesdays at 1:00 a.m. PT / 4:00 a.m. ET. The named themes for each piece are repeatable — meaning the clothing required for particular gear themes are preset and may rotate in again later. It’s sometimes beneficial to hold on to old fashion fodder for this purpose. Finally, you can submit yourself for judging on Fridays at 1:00 a.m. PT / 4:00 a.m. ET. Judging closes again on the following Tuesday (when the theme resets).
As one final note, Glamours do work. You can apply any of the relevant appearances to your gear with a Glamour and the Fashion Report will function as if you had that gear equipped.
FFXIV Fashion Report: Easy 80 Points for the Weekend of April 8, 2022
It’s another extremely easy week in the FFXIV Fashion Report game! Last week, you just needed two pieces of very cheap equipment found in all three of the major starting cities. This week, you just need one. Though you will need to add two pots of Orchard Brown Dye to get the easy 80. These two are basic dye types found in every major city for a pittance. Let’s take a look at all the options first.
| Partisan’s Crown | Paragon’s Crown | Warlord’s Crown |
Dynasty Crown | Gambler’s Crown | Butcher’s Crown | ||
Torso | None | N/A | ||
Hands | Hand in Halfglove | Hempen Halfgloves (Lowest Level) | Cotton Halfgloves (Cheapest) | |
Legs | None | N/A | ||
Dueling Duelist
| Boots of the Daring Duelist | Boots of the Defiant Duelist | Boots of the Ghost Thief |
Boots of the Red Thief | Boots of the Lost Thief | Plague Doctor’s Shoes | ||
Plague Bringer’s Shoes | ||||
Earrings | None | N/A | ||
Neck | Finally Fantastical | Proto Ultima Necklace | ||
Wrists | None | N/A | ||
Ring 1 | None | N/A | ||
Ring 2 | None | N/A |
Note that most of these crowns come from general achievements in FFXIV. As such, they’ll be either incredibly easy to acquire or quite difficult. One likely option, Butcher’s Crown, is available from “Let the Bodies Hit the Floor,” a Battle achievement for killing 100,000 enemies. The Paragon’s Crown is for “A Life of Adventure I,” which you receive after leveling up all base game Disciples of War and Magic to Level 50. The Warlord’s Crown and Dynasty Crown are for the Level 60 and Level 70 versions of the achievement, respectively.
The Gambler’s Crown isn’t much better. It requires you to successfully “pentameld” a piece of gear. That is to say: you need to attach five pieces of Materia to a single piece of gear. This is an expensive and risky process that only high-level players bother doing on your own. Partisan’s Crown is also down to luck, but totally doable for longtime players. You can claim it from the Achievement “Leaving a Good Impression III.” This is for receiving 100 player commendations across Duty Finder content. Tanks and healers will have an easier time with this, to be sure, but none of the crowns are necessary this week anyway.
There are easier options out there. Namely a set of gloves. The most widely available option is a set of Hempen Halfgloves, which are crafted by Weavers and can be worn by all classes at Level 1. You can make them yourself or find them on the Market Board (often for a few thousand Gil since players know they’re useful for Fashion Report). Cotton Halfgloves, by contrast, are the cheapest option at 336 Gil from any of the proper gear vendors in the three main cities (Limsa Lominsa, Gridania, Ul’dah). You can find them under the “Purchase Disciple of the Hand/Land Gear” section in the Level 10-19 range. Despite the category, these can be worn by all classes at Level 15. All other halfgloves past this point are simply more expensive versions of the same thing with higher level requirements. I recommend the Cotton Halfgloves.
Down to the feet, you need a set of boots from either Pharos Sirius (Hard) or Saint Mocianne’s Arboretum. These are Level 60 Heavensward dungeons and the only semi-reliable source of the boots in the game. The most name-appropriate set is, of course, the Boots of the Daring Duelist. But this is exclusive to Level 60 Lancer, Reaper, and Dragoon players. Any of the boots from these dungeons will do. Boots of the Ghost Thief for Ninja, Boots of the Defiant Duelist for tanks, Boots of the Lost Thief for ranged DPS, Boots of the Red Thief for Monk or Samurai, Plague Doctor’s Shoes for healers, and finally Plague Bringer’s Shoes for magic DPS.
Last but not least we come to the necklace. There are different necklaces for each role (e.g. Proto Ultima Necklace of Aiming), but each can be bought after the Level 60 side quest “Unidentified Flying Object.” You can pick up the quest from Slipslix in Idyllshire. You’ll get an item called “Proto Ultima Heat Shielding.” Though I don’t really recommend it unless you’re going for more than 80 points.
As for dyes to get extra points in this week’s Fashion Report, be sure to use the following:
- Weapon – Ceruleum Blue (Dyemongers)
- Head – Salmon Pink (Dyemongers)
- Body – Vanilla Yellow (Scrip Exchange, the Firmament)
- Gloves – Pearl White (Scrip Exchange, the Firmament)
- Legs – Pastel Purple (Mog Station, “Recruit a Friend” Campaign Reward, Market Board)
- Feet – Soot Black (Ixali Vendor with Tribe Reputation, Market Board)
FFXIV Fashion Report Tips for This Week
This week, all you need is Cotton Halfgloves or Hempen Halfgloves. Then dye your weapon with Ceruleum Blue and your headpiece with Salmon Pink. This way everything you need can be purchased from any of the three, original capital cities. This includes the Cotton Halfgloves and both types of dye. I recommend Limsa Lominsa, as always, because the central Aetheryte drops you right next to the Market Board and row of vendors. And if you need ideas for something to dye, the leveling gear acquired with Tomestones of Poetics will do the trick.
Weapon | Anything You Can Dye | Ceruleum Blue |
Head | Anything You Can Dye | Salmon Pink |
Hands | Hempen Halfgloves | None |
Dyemongers include:
- Alaric – Old Gridania (X: 14.3, Y: 8.8)
- Nanabe – Ul’dah, Steps of Thal (X: 14.2, Y: 11.0)
- Unsynrael – Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X: 6.0, Y: 12.3)
- Frine – Ishgard, The Pillars (X: 6.0, Y: 9.9)
- Tokohana – Hingashi, Kugane (X: 12.9, Y: 12.2)
Equipment suppliers include:
- Domitien – Old Gridania (X: 14.3, Y: 9.8)
- Gwalter – Ul’dah, Steps of Thal (X: 13.7, Y: 10)
- Iron Thunder – Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X: 8.1, Y: 11.6)
As is always the case, you must first complete the quest “Color Your World” to apply dye in FFXIV. You can start it at level 15 as any class by speaking to Swyrgeim in Western Thanalan (X: 12.6 Y: 14.3). Even if you can hit the 80 points this week without dyes, it’s well worth doing for future FFXIV Fashion Report checks. You’ll even get a couple of free dyes to kick things off! These are normal Dyemonger dyes. As such, they will often work for the FFXIV Fashion Report in future weeks. Just like this one.
And there you have it! This should get you started on the FFXIV Fashion Report this week. Check back next Friday for another update and instructions on how to farm your share of about 60,000 MGP. Until then, good luck and have fun out there, adventurers!