How to Spend Sacks of Nuts in FFXIV

Wow, you might even call these prices... really high!

In Final Fantasy XIV, Sack of Nuts were added in Shadowbringers as a new currency for Guildship Hunts. A way to earn experience, gil, and Sacks of Nuts, Guildship Hunts from both the Shadowbringers and Endwalker expansion can also be a great way of generating gil through the sale of items.

This is because the Sacks of Nuts are able to be traded for high value items that can be sold on the market board.

FFXIV Sacks of Nuts basics

Sacks of Nuts are a reward currency for completing Guildship Hunt marks. You get these in addition to gil and experience for taking down specific marks. You’ll need to unlock the guildship marks for each expansion separately, and you’ll have to be at the max level for the expansion to have access to all the potential stacks of guildship hunt marks. If you’re looking to work out how to farm Sacks of Nuts quickly, check out this guide.

Once you have some Sacks of Nuts, you can look to trade them in for items at the various vendors. Visit Xylle in The Crystarium at X: 9.4, Y: 9.5 or Ilfroy in Eulmore (The Understory) at X: 11., Y: 10.8 to get Shadowbringers rewards. Pay a visit to J’lakshai in Old Sharlayan at X: 11.9, Y: 13.3 or Wilmetta in Radz-at-Han at X: 10.5, Y: 7.4 for Endwalker rewards.

Screenshot by Fanbyte via Square Enix

Once you commit to earning money with Sacks of Nuts, it’s worth working out how many you can earn in a day, and how quickly. Three stacks of daily Guildship Hunts from a Hunt Board will net you 110 Sacks of Nuts. With the hunt marks from both Shadowbringers and Endwalker, that's 220 a day. And each week you can complete a single elite guildship mark for 100 more Sacks of Nuts for each expansion. So once a week you’ll earn 420, and the rest of the days you can earn 220, for a maximum of 1,740 Sacks of Nuts a week. You can also only hold a maximum of 4,000 Sacks of Nuts.

There’s also the consideration of how long it takes you to clear a stack. Ideally, it shouldn’t take you more than an hour or so for three full stacks and a weekly elite mark.

Screengrab by Fanbyte via Square Enix

It’s also worth considering teleportation costs. If you’re teleporting to Aetherytes to track down the hunt marks, you’re spending a lot of gil, and only getting a few thousand gil per target. As a result, you’ll likely need to be a little careful planning your teleportation so you’re not making a loss. However, if you kill all the potential marks in an area before moving on, you’ll easily make enough to justify the teleports.

What to spend Sacks of Nuts on to make gil

Below we’ve compiled details of the best things to spend your Sacks of Nuts on to earn gil.

Striking Dummies

One of the unique items you can get from Sacks of Nuts are Striking Dummies of several varieties. There’s been a Striking Dummy reward for every expansion’s Guildship Hunts, and as a furnishing item, they’re incredibly popular on the market board.

The Crystarium Striking Dummy is a Striking Dummy added in the Shadowbringers expansion. Purchasable from the Shadowbringers vendors for 300 Sacks of Nuts, it sells for tens of thousands of gil, depending on World and Data Center. These are extremely popular and sell very frequently (usually taking just one or two days to flip).

Thavnairian Striking Dummy is another choice, this time from the Endwalker expansion. Available from J’lakshai in Old Sharlayan (X: 11.9, Y: 13.3) or Wilmetta in Radz-at-Han (X: 10.5, Y: 7.4) for 300 Sacks of Nuts, this is a level 80 Striking Dummy. This item has a much more variable price, due to the fact it’s not as visually appealing as the Crystarium Striking Dummy. As a result, it can fluctuate between a few thousand and tens of thousands of gil depending on the World and Data Center. If you have 300 nuts, the Crystarium Striking Dummy is probably the better choice for making gil.

Weapons and armor

Surprisingly, weapons and armor can be a good way of making money with Sacks of Nuts, especially if you don’t quite have enough for a Striking Dummy. Ronkan Weapons from the Shadowbringers expansion vendor sell for 1,772 gil base to any merchant, and only cost 70 Sacks of Nuts. 

This can be doubled to 3,544 gil by selling them to a fully-upgraded Doman Restoration Donation Basket. Given the potential of a maximum of 420 Sacks of Nuts a day (two full stacks, and two weeklies), you can earn 21,264 gil for selling six Ronkan Weapons. 

Ronkan Armor, such as Breeches, Mail, Trousers, Jackets, and Coats, are 60 Sacks of Nuts, and sell for 1,625 gil to conventional traders or retainers. That’s 3,250 gil at the Kugane Restoration max-level price, and a potential of up to 22,750 gil a day with 420 Sacks of Nuts turning into seven pieces of armor.

Unfortunately, the Deepshadow Gear, despite costing more and having better stats, doesn’t have a higher gil sale value, so isn’t worth buying.

In Endwalker, it’s the Moonward Gear you want to get. Similarly, the weapons sell for 1,772 gil base to any merchant for 70 Sacks of Nuts, and the armor for 1,625 gil for 60 Sacks of Nuts. Again, the Radiant Weapons don’t sell for anymore money, despite costing more Sacks of Nuts. As a result, they’re not worth your time.

Other items?

Unfortunately, there’s not really anything else that’s worth selling for gil that’s bought with Sacks of Nuts. Materia is a fluctuating market that doesn’t really return on investment, and there’s better ways to get materia in-game. Orchestrion rolls don’t traditionally sell for huge amounts either, so they’re out. Everything else from the merchants is untradable or doesn’t have a high enough gil value.

Best way to make gil with Sacks of Nuts in FFXIV

In general, the best ways to make money with Sacks of Nuts is to concentrate on something like the Crystarium Striking Dummy, selling as many as possible per week. Alternatively, if you find your market for Striking Dummies has slowed (either due to high supply on your World, or low population affecting the speed things sell on the market board), you can switch to the weapons and armor for a more reliable and consistent gil earner.

We’d avoid maxing out Sacks of Nuts, as throughput from frequent sales is likely to earn more gil than dumping large amounts of Striking Dummies on the market board in one go. Keep an eye on the prices and if the Striking Dummy market crashes, don’t be afraid to commit to gear for while.

About the Author

Michael Hassall

After giving up a "real" job in Marketing in 2019, Michael started working as esports, gaming, and entertainment journalist and hasn't looked back. He lives in the UK, but wishes he lived in Eorzea, having spent 5,000 hours there. When not dutifully grinding Tomestones and being designated furniture crafter for his FC, he enjoys travel to warm places, cold drinks, light reading, and heavy metal.