After leveling up all the crafter jobs in Final Fantasy XIV, players are sometimes left wondering what to do next. While there are plenty of things to do with crafters, completing turning-in quests to earn Purple Crafters' Scrips is a major part of the endgame for a crafter and also a solid option when it comes to making gil in FFXIV.
Playing the market board game and trying to sell the best pieces of gear, food, and pots is still one of the best ways to earn money in the game. However, you might not have the time (or the patience) to constantly check the prices and undercut each item you’re selling. Using Purple Crafters' Scrips to make gil in FFXIV is less dependent on mastering the market board and more on the consistency of buying specific items used to make those items.
After you have finished leveling up the crafting jobs, you can focus on having a routine to farm Purple Crafter’s Scrips. In this guide, we cover all the main sources of gil related to these scrips.

Selling Purple Crafters' Scrips materials in FFXIV
Once you have filled your pockets with Purple Crafters' Scrips, you can visit the Scrip Exchange, an NPC who will show you a selection of items you can buy using this specific currency. The materials sold by them are usually key items in endgame crafting recipes. To earn money with these materials, first you need to run a search and see what foods and pots that players are using on Savage and Extreme Trials. Look for the recipes of each one of them to know the materials earned from purple scrips other players need to craft them. Then, you exchange your Purple Crafters' Scrips for these materials and sell them on the market board.
This is a solid strategy to earn consistent money in the game. In FFXIV, the economy depends on people buying and selling things on the market board. Although some players focus on crafting endgame items, they don’t necessarily have the time to farm the materials they need to make them. Many of them rely on finding other people selling these materials, and this where you can make a considerable amount of money.

Sell Purple Crafters' Scrips materia in FFXIV
With Purple Crafters' Scrips, you can buy more than just materials for recipes. One of the items offered by the Scrip Exchange NPC is crafting materia. They only offer the last tier of the Competence, Cunning, and Command materias, but these are the best for you to sell on the market board.
The regular methods for players to acquire materia revolve around earning them from quests, extracting them from used pieces of gear, or buying them. Crafting materia tends to cost a lot compared to others and players usually go for large packs because of the pentamelds needed to perform endgame crafting. Since you can exchange Purple Crafter’s Scrips for materia, you don’t need to invest too much money to get some of them. If you have leveled up Miner, Botanist, and Fisher enough to collect the materials you need to the collectables requested by the Collectable Appraiser NPC, then you’ll probably spend no money at all. Initially, the profit might not sound appealing, but materia is a solid investment. Regardless of the server or how long since the last patch, you can always sell them for a good price.
Complete turn-in quests in FFXIV
Among the weekly activities you can take advantage of when playing a crafting class, there are the Custom Deliveries. These are straightforward turn-in quests in which you need to prepare a collectable item and deliver it to the NPCs who requested it. By doing so with a level 90 character, you will receive a small amount of gil and Purple Scrips. You won’t be earning a lot of money out of this but, considering that you want to complete Custom Deliveries to farm Purple Scrips, earning some money from them is a welcome side effect.