The Island Sanctuary in Final Fantasy XIV offers many hours of relaxation and pressure-free content, but that doesn’t mean there is nothing to do in paradise. If you want to profit off your island after unlocking this side content and ranking it up, you will need a steady stream of materials.
Island Hemp is a very versatile material that you will need a good amount of. It is widely used on the island for making facility upgrades, landmarks, mammet-sized tools, tool upgrades, and handicrafts, so it is essential to know how to easily get your hands on lots of it.
Where to find Island Hemp in FFXIV's Island Sanctuary
Island Hemp comes from the Agave Plants around your Island Sanctuary and can be gathered by enabling the “Gathering” mode on your island. You'll need to be at least Sanctuary Rank 6 to have the Islekeep's Copper Scythe required to gather Island Hemp.

You can find farming spots for Island Hemp at these locations:
- Coral Sands: The Coral Sends area is the best location for farming Island Hemp. The grassy area next to the beach has nine Agave Plant nodes to gather from, and there are plenty of other nodes surrounding this area, making it very easy to complete a gathering circle.

- Peak Point: Another good area to farm up Island Hemp is around Peak Point. This area (X: 28.2, Y 29.9) is home to five Agave Plant nodes and a great location for adding Island Cotton Bolls to your gathering route.