Meet Final Fantasy XIV's Newest Allied Tribe, the Pelupelu

One of the races from a past Final Fantasy game is getting a reimagining in 7.0.

Final Fantasy XIV's Fan Festival teased a lot of new content, including a glimpse of an Allied Tribe that'll be introduced with Dawntrail. The Pelupelu are the smaller of two races inhabiting Urqopacha, a mountainous locale in the new continent, Tural.

Also known as The New World, Tural is the continent players will be exploring when the next expansion, Dawntrail, is released. Within the region of Yok Tural is a place called Urqopacha, inhabited by two distinct races. One is a race of giants, and the other is the Pelupelu.

Aside from their small stature, they can be recognized by the unique birdlike masks they wear. They are a race of merchants that travel across the continent selling their goods. Seeing as they're known for producing beverages like tea, coffee, and mezcal, it's likely that drinks are one of the goods they deal in.

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As mentioned by FFXIV producer and director Naoki Yoshida during his presentation of the Pelupelu, some fans of older Final Fantasy titles may recognize the Pelupelu. They were a race featured in Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2. They didn't play a huge part in either game, but in FFX-2, one is given a name: Tobli. 

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He's a fast-talking, excitable little guy encountered by the Gullwings pretty early on in the game. An appreciator of the arts, he sponsors various musical shows throughout Spira, eventually helping the main trio put on a show of their own. Interestingly enough, Tobli's voice actor, Rob Paulsen, has also voiced two of the four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles over the course of his career... but that's probably just a coincidence.

About the Author

Oliv Yanak

Equal parts writer and gamer, Oliv's love for Final Fantasy started with the very first game. Since then, they've followed the series as an avid fan, eventually jumping into the world of Eorzea in 2021. They studied both creative writing and journalism in college, and they enjoy bringing those skills together with their interest in FFXIV.