One of the many features brought to Island Sanctuaries in Final Fantasy XIV’s Patch 6.4 was the ability to add outdoor furnishings around players’ islands, allowing the Warrior of Light to personalize their tropical paradise in new ways and make it one of a kind.
Pre-Patch 6.4, players’ only real customization options were choosing which plots to place their island’s landmarks and facilities, which animals to maintain in their pasture, and which crops to grow in their fields. With the ability to travel to the islands of their friends and Free Company members, many would find that their islands weren’t so unique and lacked any real difference visually.
At the time of writing, it is unclear whether the new furnishing glamour feature is unlocked at a specific Sanctuary Rank or is available from the start of one’s journey to create their private paradise. Nevertheless, the new feature, when available, is found under the “Manage Furnishings” section on the Islekeep’s Index.

How to place furnishings on Island Sanctuaries
The Island Sanctuary starts with 75 furnishing slots available for Warriors of Light to decorate their island, increasing to 90 once hitting Sanctuary Rank 15. This is over twice the amount of outdoor furnishings you can place compared to a large housing plot, which caps homeowners to 40 items.
Only furnishings labeled with the “Outdoor Furnishing” tag can be placed on the Island Sanctuary, but certain items, such as gardening plots and striking dummies, are unavailable. Players can directly place their outdoor furnishings onto their Island Sanctuary from the Manage Furnishings mode, and the item in question never leaves their inventory. It will, however, become bound and untradeable, just as if they had placed it inside a traditional housing location. This means that a player can place one item down several times without procuring multiples of the item beforehand.
If players want to save an item without keeping it in their inventory, they can register the furnishing to their Glamour List, storing it for later use by using Island Prisms. Island Sanctuaries can have a maximum of 120 registered glamours in storage, allowing decorators to keep their inventories tidy.
How to get and use Island Prisms
Island Prisms are crafted by any level 90 Disciple of Hand job who has their respective Master IX recipes unlocked. The recipe calls for two Clear Prisms in addition to an item specific to the job crafting it, such as Weaver requiring three Almasty Serge and Culinarian requiring nine Perilla Oil. Island Prisms are crafted in threes, with a recommended Craftsmanship of 3180. For those who don’t have a Disciple of Hand job leveled or would rather let their hard-earned gil do the work for them, Island Prisms are tradeable and can be purchased from the market board.
With Island Prisms in your inventory and while in the Manage Furnishings menu, you can use the subcommand menu on the wanted item to select the “Register Glamour” option, which will add it to the Island Sanctuary’s Glamour List. Alternatively, when placing the furnishing directly, you can register it to the Glamour List from your inventory by checking the “Register to Glamour List” box.

Warriors of Light can let their imagination run wild with the ability to decorate the Island Sanctuary of their dreams. It may not be an alternative to housing, but players can still scratch that furnishing itch.