In Final Fantasy XIV Patch 6.5 a new set of Custom Deliveries will be added. These deliveries will see you help Sharlayan researcher Margrat by providing her with various materials and tools. Players who unlock and progress through Margarat's Custom Deliveries will be rewarded with some experience and scrips for helping her out.
The starting quest for Margrat’s Custom Deliveries is in Old Sharlayan. Head to the location and speak to an NPC called Theopauldin (X: 13.8 Y: 15.0), accepting a quest called "A Request of One's Own" near the Scholar's Harbor aetheryte. This will start the quest chain that will unlock the latest set of Custom Deliveries. Remember that you’ll need a Disciple of Hand or Land job (any crafter or gatherer) of at least level 80 to do these deliveries.
You’ll also need to ensure you’ve completed the Main Scenario Quest (MSQ) “Going Haam” to unlock the relevant story beats for these deliveries. Additionally, make sure you’ve unlocked Custom Deliveries as a whole by completing the optional sidequest “Go West, Craftsman” in Idyllshire.

Completing Margrat’s Deliveries, Rewards and Unlocks
You can make up to six custom deliveries to Margrat each week, and in return will receive Gil, experience, and either Crafter’s or Gatherer’s Scrips, depending on which job you complete the deliveries with. Each delivery you make will raise Margrat’s satisfaction. Once a threshold is reached, a new Satisfaction Level will be unlocked. This will, in turn, unlock more deliveries.
At max Satisfaction Level, you’ll be able to cast glamours on Margrat and have her deliveries cycle through a random previous item for each subsequent week.
Margrat will likely be the final Custom Delivery NPC of Endwalker, and your best chance to earn the catch-up experience from her deliveries and, of course, Crafter’s or Gatherer’s Scrips. Custom Deliveries are one of the best ways to level up your Crafters and Gatherers, as the bonus experience is very high and the threshold for successful crafts are relatively low.