How to Get the Wind-up Golbez Minion in FFXIV

Grab Golbez in his minion form!

In Final Fantasy XIV Patch 6.5, multiple minions were added to the game for players to collect and show off. One of these was the Wind-up Golbez, a miniature reconstruction of the fearsome foe that the Warrior of Light and Scions of the Seventh Dawn have been battling for much of the Endwalker post-game Main Story Quest (MSQ).

The wind-up version of Golbez is far less intimidating than the real version, but still one that people are clambering to add to their collection. Here’s how you can grab a Wind-up Golbez minion of your very own.

How to unlock the Wind-up Golbez Minion in FFXIV

There are several ways to obtain the Wind-up Golbez Minion, but the perhaps easiest way is to obtain it from the source: The Lunar Subterrane dungeon. The Wind-up Golbez Minion is a rare drop from the final treasure chest in the dungeon, and as a result, there are few ways you can go about unlocking it.

Image via Fanbyte/Square Enix

You can either run the dungeon with a Trust of NPCs or with a group of players. The NPC method is the slower of the two as the NPCs don’t use AoE spells on mobs, and their damage to bosses is not as good as a well-geared player, but you’re certain to get the minion if it drops. If you run with players, you’ll have to roll against them to try and obtain the minion. Most players will need multiple runs to even see the minion drop.

Alternatively, the Wind-Up Golbez Minion is tradable and marketable, meaning you can find it on the market board. The lowest it cost on release day was around five million gil, but that price will likely fluctuate based on your server and data center. The high price will fall as more people obtain the minion, but some players are also opting to just sell Golbez now while the price is high, knowing it’ll drop for them eventually.

About the Author

Michael Hassall

After giving up a "real" job in Marketing in 2019, Michael started working as esports, gaming, and entertainment journalist and hasn't looked back. He lives in the UK, but wishes he lived in Eorzea, having spent 5,000 hours there. When not dutifully grinding Tomestones and being designated furniture crafter for his FC, he enjoys travel to warm places, cold drinks, light reading, and heavy metal.