It turns out Final Fantasy XIV isn’t done crossing over with the world of NieR: Automata. In addition to the YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse raid series from Shadowbringers, FFXIV 6.1 now also has a NieR-theme mount: Pod 602. It looks just like the Pods from the source material with your character hanging onto them when flying, too. However, you’re gonna need to earn it. Here’s a quick look at how to get the Pod 602 mount in FFXIV.
You have to buy it from the Gold Saucer Attendant (Prize Claim) located in the Gold Saucer at X: 5.1, Y: 6.6. The Pod 602 Identification Key, which is the item required to unlock the mount, costs 300,000 MGP. If you already spend your days in the Gold Saucer stacking MGP and likely betting on lotto tickets, you might already have the MGP necessary to buy the mount. Congrats! If not, it’ll be a bit of a grind. But we have some pointers to help you earn MGP.

The best ways to earn MGP in FFXIV include participating in the weekly Fashion Report, doing your weekly Gold Saucer challenges, participating in GATEs, and betting on weekly Jumbo Cactpot lottery tickets.
How to Earn MGP in the FFXIV Gold Saucer
The most reliable and consistent way to earn MGP will be through GATEs, which are timed public events that are like minigames. GATEs take place every 20 minutes. There are different types of GATEs that ask you to do different things. The Slice Is Right has you dodging unpredictable AoEs in a battle royale-style setup; Leap of Faith is a timed platforming challenge that has you jumping to an end goal; and Air Force One is an on-rails shooting gallery. You earn around 5,000 MGP from each, but this will vary depending on your success in these minigames.
The Fashion Report happens weekly and will net you quite a bit of MGP. You basically have to put together a glamour outfit according to the guidelines set every week. This means getting certain gear pieces and dyes to best match the requirements. We have a Fashion Report guide every week to help you put together the right outfits.
Every week, you’ll also want to complete your weekly Gold Saucer challenge log. These consist of playing Triple Triad, doing GATEs, and playing the various minigames scattered around the Gold Saucer. Not only will you be participating in MGP-earning events, but you’ll also be rewarded with weekly challenges.
The Jumbo Cactpot lottery is more unpredictable, but it has the biggest payoff. If you know what a lotto ticket is, you know how this works. You choose four numbers for each ticket, and you can buy up to three (3) tickets per week. The closer your combinations of numbers are to the numbers drawn at the end of the week, the more MGP you get. Numbers are drawn every Saturday at 7 p.m. You have to claim your winnings afterward, too. Good luck with those lotto tickets!
Happy MGP grinding for the Pod 602 mount! If you want to catch up on what’s in the new patch, check out our breakdown of all the new content in FFXIV 6.1, all the Job changes in Patch 6.1, and how to unlock the latest alliance raid.