COD: MW3 RAM-9 Guide - Best Build & Loadout for Small Maps

A mathematically optimized build for the RAM-9 on Shipment, Meat, Das Haus, and Stash House.

Modern Warfare 3 has hundreds of attachments (with many being virtual lookalikes that essentially do the same thing slightly differently), which makes building guns an incredibly confusing process! Looking up class setups online can be clouded by tons of clickbait and low-effort junk, so if you're looking for highly-researched and performance-tested class setups from an actual Call of Duty expert, you are in the right place! In this guide, we'll take a look at the best loadout and attachments for the RAM-9 on Small Maps, such as Shipment, Meat, Das Haus, and Stash House.

Best RAM-9 Build & Attachments

The brand-new RAM-9 takes the RAM-7 template and makes it a whole lot faster... and still outperforms at range! Classic overpowered DLC weapon.

Featuring excellent numbers across the board, the RAM-9 cements its place in the meta as an obvious upper-tier performer. It's important to know that the true Damage Range is not 12.7 as the Advanced Stats report; the excellent 260ms TTK from the upper legs and above generously extends out to 20.5 meters before dropping off to 325ms for the rest of eternity. That is particularly unfair and overtuned, considering that the (prepatch) Striker-9 drops off to 350ms at just 10.7 meters!

Because we have some excess range to play with, we can convert a small amount of that into not only enhanced mobility, but also a silencer via the Boreal-6C Suppressed Integrated Barrel - the only build of this entire lot to feature one! From there, we don't have many concerns about its recoil performance, so the Retort 90 Grip Tape handles that with zero penalty to handling, allowing the RAM-9 to operate at full speed. Having top of the line range, mobility, and handling is something that should be enjoyed frequently. Take advantage of the RAM-9's overpowering numbers while they are here; it is certainly in for a nerf.

  • Barrel: Boreal-6C Suppressed Integrated Barrel
  • Stock: Ultra-Light Stock Pad
  • Rear Grip: Retort 90 Grip Tape
  • Magazine: 50-Round Magazine
  • Underbarrel: XRK Edge BW-4 Handstop

SM SMG 08 RAM-9.png








200 ms195 ms

Total Recoil


Sprint to Fire

178 ms153 ms


20.5* m16.4* m


3.3 m/s3.9 m/s


5.9 m/s5.9 m/s


5.0 m/s5.5 m/s


7.2 m/s7.1 m/s

Our Testing Process: What does "Mathematically Optimized" mean? 

It means that I have personally conducted over 30 hours of dedicated testing across the entire MW2 & 3 attachment set, endlessly consulted high-quality external resources and databases, and tirelessly tested performance across separate attachment combinations to produce what I believe to be the optimal build of a weapon for a specific purpose. Weapons are carefully crafted considering every possible detail - attempting to deliver the mathematically best possible performance in every category - mobility, handling, recoil, range, and accuracy. 

With my builds, I believe you should see creative, never-before-seen uses of attachments that create incredible weapons. Do keep in mind that these weapons will not do the work for you - while they have all been precision-crafted to reduce horizontal recoil as much as possible, some of them still have quite noticeable vertical recoil, and it is on you to manage that vertical recoil correctly. I sincerely hope you enjoy reading about this build and every other build I have to offer on Fanbyte!

DISCLAIMER: If you test these in the Firing Range, please note that the Firing Range is currently glitched and shows more visual recoil and different damage performance than actually experienced in-game; it is best that you test these in a custom match or online.

About the Author

XVI the Great

Call of Duty stats & attachment wizard. I make high-effort, high-quality text guides for Fanbyte. One of five players on the entire planet to reach level 1,000 every season of Black Ops Cold War & Vanguard. Passionate about all things CoD and dedicated to transforming my extensive gameplay experience into resources to help the Call of Duty community.