Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker just got revealed. That was a big enough deal on its own! But, since Final Fantasy XIV is always the gift that keeps on giving, there was a live letter not long after. Here’s everything you need to know from the 62nd Letter from the Producer Live broadcast on February 6, which focused on the upcoming patch.
Patch 5.5 is named Death Unto Dawn. As the final patch bridging Shadowbringers and Endwalker, it will be released in two parts. Part one will arrive on April 13, 2021 — the same day as the release of the game’s PlayStation 5 open beta. Part two will arrive at the end of May 2021.
Patch 5.5 will bring with it a new dungeon called Paglth’an, as well as new Chronicles of a New Era quests. In them will be the final chapter of the Sorrow of Werlyt, with a new trial against The Diamond Weapon, called The Cloud Deck. As usual, it will have an Extreme difficulty version. Additionally, YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse will continue with its third chapter. The team is not revealing the duty’s name, but it has revealed that a weekly quest tied to the story will be available after completing it.
The upcoming PlayStation 5 version of Final Fantasy XIV was also addressed. It will be digital-only. The team reaffirms that it will be possible to upgrade from the PlayStation 4 version. For that matter, players using the disc version will no longer require one after upgrading. While other games would normally still require the use of a disc, for Final Fantasy XIV, the required voucher code is separate from the disc, so the game can be accessed on PlayStation 5 without a disc. The team plans to add an “upgrade edition” download to the PlayStation Store. Further details on upgrading will be shared at a later date.
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There are some more minor updates, such as:
- Job adjustments to both PvE and PvP. More information to come on that when it’s time to promote part two of Patch 5.5.
- Resistance weapon upgrades in Patch 5.45 will require the completion of the Save the Queen story quests. Requirements up to Patch 5.35 will be eased. Upgrades in Patch 5.5x will require the completion of story quests from Patch 5.45. Rewards for Castrum Lacus Litore have been improved, as well. For all the details, check out the stream above from the 1:00:55 mark.
- A new Unreal trial will be added.
- Crafting will get more challenging expert recipes and challenging content in general geared toward crafters. This content will require high-level equipment and expertise in crafting, and it will reward players with achievements and unique crafting tools.
- As for gatherers, maps opened via the gathering log will now indicate areas where gathering points appear. A listing of fish to be released at fishing holes will be added, too.
- As for the Ishgardian Restoration, the firmament will periodically celebrate its completion. A new Custom Delivery Client will be implemented, bringing story quests related to the Firmament.
- The most important of all updates: Triple Triad. The team will be adjusting the use of 4-star cards in decks and acquisition rates. A reward for obtaining all Triple Triad cards will be added.
- Explorer Mode will also be updated. New duties (level 70 dungeons) will be added. Level and item level sync can be turned off. And instruments will be able to be used in the mode.
- Miscellaneous updates: New indicators for bonuses while ocean fishing; a new instrument to the performance feature; and a reward for obtaining all trial mounts from the 5.x patch series will be added.
- Dragonsong War was going to get an Ultimate version in Patch 5.5, but COVID-19 complications have pushed it back to Patch 6.1. The team made the decision in order to prioritize Endwalker, which I doubt many people would see as unfavorable.
The rest of the stream featured a welcome appearance from Lead Project Manager Shoichi Matsuzawa, who delved into detail about what his role on the team entails. The next Final Fantasy XIV Arrangement Album, Scions & Sinners, was announced for release on March 24, 2021. You can also watch a new music video from THE PRIMALS here. New merchandise was shown, including minion figures for Y’Shtola, Ryne, and Estinien. If you’d like to see all that, be sure to watch the full live stream above!
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker will be released in Fall 2021.