The big-ticket news out of the latest Final Fantasy XIV Live Letter for the Producer is that the Endwalker expansion has been delayed from November 19 (early access) and November 23. Early Access will now begin on December 3, and the full launch will be on December 7. This will mark the implementation of Patch 6.0. But following that, director and producer Naoki Yoshida also revealed when players can expect post-launch content in subsequent patches, which focuses on the new, upcoming raid series.
Patch 6.01 is set to go live on December 21. It will implement the new Pandaemonium eight-player raid series for normal mode, which seems to revolve around stories of the Ascians, perhaps Lahabrea (eyes emoji). This part of the raid series is called Pandaemonium: Asphodelos.
Patch 6.05 will go live on January 4, which will implement the Savage version of the Pandaemonium: Asphodelos raid along with the new Allagan tomestones and the new gear to go along with it. A new Treasure Dungeon will be included in this patch as well, which is called The Excitatron 6000.
Yoshida-san teased Pandaemonium: Asphodelos with a live walkthrough of the raid’s areas. It looks very spooky, like haunted castle grounds; it also looks much like it’ll be referencing the Pandaemonium of Final Fantasy IX. He went on to say that there will be a lot of surprises with characters we know, and that it’ll include revelations about character motivations.
That’s as much as was detailed during the Live Letter, and we will update the story if or when more details are given. Catch up on more Endwalker coverage from our hands-on preview experience:
Breakdown of the New Jobs
Changes to Existing Jobs
- Tank Changes and All New Job Actions to Level 90
- Healer Changes and All New Job Actions to Level 90
- Melee DPS Changes and All New Job Actions to Level 90
- Ranged/Magic DPS Changes and All New Job Actions to Level 90
New Exploration
- Tour of the New Zones — A Walkthrough of Old Sharlayan, Garlemald, and Thavnair
- The Stories Told in Our FFXIV Endwalker Preview
Development Changes
- The New Trusts Make a Single-Player Future Possible
- Why Endwalker Will Make It Easier Than Ever to Level Up Secondary Jobs
- Numerical Changes to Sustain the Next Ten Years