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Time for yet another Wordle of the day! It’s Monday, July 11, 2022 and we’re solving Wordle 387 today. If you’re here having issues guessing the correct word, we’re here to help. Whe...

There are a lot of weapons and armor pieces you can utilize in Destiny 2, some of which have warped the entire PVE or PVP meta around them. The recent Solar and Void subclasses updates caused...

Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph has arrived and it’s time to reunite with everyone’s favorite, murderous Warmind, Rasputin. Revolving around repairing the broken remnants of Rasputin, pla...

The best Warframe Tellurium farm in 2023 depends on you. Specifically, it’s a game of what you do and don’t have the patience to bother doing. The same can be said about most Warframe

If you’re actively trying to solve the Wordle of the day for Saturday, April 9, 2022 and want some hints, you’re in the right place. The good news? Today’s Wordle #294 isn’t too hard...

Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course has officially released, so it’s time to dive back into this exceptionally difficult run and gun action game. Embracing the art of the 1930s, ...

Need to butcher animals in RimWorld? We’re talking about animals like monkeys, hares, rats, squirrels, and so much more. Corpses like these aren’t so hard to come by as you play even the most...

From Mythic Essence and Masterwork Milestones to Showcase Milestones, it seems League of Legends continues to undergo multiple changes. Alongside the latest additions, there is a list of...

Newer Destiny 2 players may not even be aware at this point, but some time ago Bungie made the decision to implement “sunsetting” in the game. Under this scheme, weapons and armor w...

In need of The Quarry tips? Don’t fret, we’ve been through the night in Supermassive Games’ latest horror game and are here to tell the tale, and hopefully make your own stay in Hackett’...

Our Fortnite weapons tier list is here to help you decide which guns you should be picking up during battle royale — and which ones are better left in the chests they came from. Taking advant...

Yesterday, the winners were separated from the losers once again. Final Fantasy XIV’s housing lottery dropped its results, with players needing to claim their plots by June...

Destiny 2 Season of the Haunted is here, and it’s the spookiest addition yet. With the return of Emperor Calus’ mighty Leviathan, players are tasked with venturing into this massive ship...

Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph has arrived and it’s time to reunite with everyone’s favorite, murderous Warmind, Rasputin. Revolving around repairing the broken remnants of Rasputin, pla...

Time for yet another Wordle of the day! It’s Sunday, July 10, 2022 and we’re solving Wordle 386 today. If you’re here having issues guessing the correct word, we’re here to help. Whe...

Overwatch 2 is finally nearing its PVP launch after decoupling the game’s competitive side and the cooperative story mode. Blizzard announced during the 2022 Xbox and Bethesda showcase that <...

The Udyr rework has finally been revealed as a frigid update that aims to revive a playable, antique League of Legends champion.

Out of all of the mounts that producer Naoki Yoshida showed during the Final Fantasy XIV Live Letter from the Producers ahead of Patch 6.4, the axolotl mount was by far one of the cutest. Pla...

TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge Casey Jones is an unlockable character in Dotemu’s latest beat ’em up. Wearing his signature ice hockey mask and carrying one bat of a punch, he’s a fun and versatile...

Hey, it’s another Wordle of the day! To that end, we have a batch of hints — plus the answer if you prefer to skip to the chase — for Nov. 28, 2022. For those keeping track, that brings us to...