
Wordle of The Day Hints & Answer for Word 387: July 11, 2022

Four hints to help solve today's Wordle

Time for yet another Wordle of the day! It’s Monday, July 11, 2022 and we’re solving Wordle 387 today. If you’re here having issues guessing the correct word, we’re here to help. Whether you need a few hints to get you on the right track or you’re simply looking for the answer as a means of keeping your score intact, we’re here to help. Today’s word is pretty unique, so don’t worry about there being too many potential solutions.

We’re going to give some hints first before sharing the answer. If you just want said answer, scroll to the very bottom of the article. It’s right there in bold text below the aforementioned “SPOILER WARNING.” For those of you who just want a tiny nudge in the right direction, the next section includes both some easy hints (whether the word is a noun or a verb, a very broad category of what it could be, etc.) followed by some more specific clues. The latter should all but tell you what the word is.

Today’s Wordle Word Hints of the Day: #387

In this section, we try to keep things vague and only point you in the right direction. Hints at this stage will be more about the meaning of the word, rather than any specific letters that are used in the word itself. We also won’t use other methods like “rhymes with,” “sounds similar to,” and the like. More specific hints are included just after that — finally followed by the full solution after a Wordle spoiler warning. Figured we’d just warn you one last time!

Easy Hints

These first hints will steer you in a general direction without giving too much away!

  • It is a noun.
  • It can refer to a woman of refinement.

Even with those two hints, there are still plenty more possibilities to choose from. We’ll try to narrow things down in the next section!

More Specific Hints

You still totally get credit (and keep your streak) if you need these beefier hints. Let’s narrow it down and get a bit more specific.

  • It can refer to a woman who runs a house of prostitution.
  • Butterfly and Bovary are among famous ones of these.

Still drawing a blank? Think about it some more or scroll down for the final answer reveal.

wordle word of the day spoiler

Wordle of the Day #387 Answer

Still having trouble? If you want to keep thinking about it, don’t scroll down just yet. We’re going to post the answer, in bold, below. It’s hard to miss and your eyes are naturally going to want to look at it so I highly recommend you go no further unless you want it spoiled. Really it’s coming right after this. Last chance!

The Wordle of the Day for July 11, 2022, #387, is:


How’s that streak going? Looking to step up your Wordle game? Check out our other Wordle coverage! Our tips guide will help you choose some of the best starting words, if that’s your thing; for those who struggle with the “Not in Word List” error, we also explain what that means here. For those of you who are somehow playing Wordle, but don’t understand why it’s so darn popular, we’ve also got an explainer for it so you finally know why it’s grown so quickly.

About the Author

John Warren

I miss Texas sometimes. Wheelchair person. Professional wrestling is humanity's greatest achievement. He/his, y'all.