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If you’ve been playing any amount of Crucible in Destiny 2 this season, you’ve probably been buried in a pile of Riptides. This rapid-fire fusion rifle was added to the game with Se...

Destiny 2 YouTubers were dealing with DMCA takedowns supposedly sent by the shooter’s developer Bungie earlier this year, but it turns out, these claims were coming from a YouTube creator iss...

Last month, Team Fortress 2 fans held an online protest to bring attention to the shooter’s bot problem. Developer Valve had been very quiet about the issues raised by the community...

Gambit is few players’ favorite playlist in Destiny 2 — the mode has been plagued with balance issues since its inception, and remains an uneven experience. Still, various rewards a...

Another Destiny 2 weekly reset means there are more challenges for players to complete. While most of these challenges are extremely straightforward, one is causing players a bit of trouble....

Yesterday I wrote about my wild speculation on the next season of Destiny 2. Today, I want to get a little more down-to-earth. Here are seven minor little quality of life changes I’d lik...

The best way to get out of the heat of Pyros is to take a dip into the calm, cool waters of Hydatos. This guide will cover Eureka Weapons, the third iteration of the Relic Weapons introduced in the

If you’ve been on your Relic Weapon journey with our previous guides, then you’ve already crafted your Zodiac Relic and Anima Relic weapons in Final Fantasy XIV...

Season of the Haunted is well underway in Destiny 2, as we head into week five of the trauma-focused story. After the seasonal story is over, we’ll be heading into the Solstice even...

The lyrics for Final Fantasy XIV‘s Flow deliver one final Theme of Love from the world’s beloved guardian, Hydaelyn, with lines keeping it endeared to the community long after launch. Now, al...

One of the previous times we checked in on Hironobu Sakaguchi, director of the first Final Fantasy and father of the entire franchise, he was attempting to tackle the game’s hardest c...

“You know nothing, Jon Snow,” is the consistent refrain and joke from Game of Thrones. Apparently, we are the ones who know nothing, however, as Jon Snow is the one who’s winning. The charact...

During Capcom’s Dragon’s Dogma anniversary event, the Japanese publisher finally made good on a long-rumored game announcement. Fans of 2012’s Dragon’s Dogma have reason to rejoice a...

We all need a break from the critically acclaimed MMORPG every now and then. And if you’ve been on a long break, now would be a good time to return to Final Fantasy XIV top check out the new...

Attention Guardians, if you don’t have Vex Mythoclast now is the time to hunt for one! Following this week’s reset, the Vault of Glass raid is the new weekly Destiny 2 raid. This means it not...

When Season of the Haunted launched in Destiny 2, I slapped Sunbracers on my Warlock and haven’t looked back. Being able to throw infinite grenades is just too much fun, and even if ther...

The Grammy Awards, which annually recognizes the year’s best in music, has finally added a dedicated category for Best Video Game Score. This comes just after 8-Bit Big Band won an award for Best Arra...

Got enough emblems yet? The Season of the Haunted in Destiny 2 has seen the addition of the Stag’s Spirit and Interconnected emblems available to all players through Bungie Rewards...

As the list of Pokemon grows, and the number of Pokemon types with it, keeping up with how each type interacts with one another can be challenging. Especially if you’re mainly playing Pokemon GO

For the most part, weapons in Destiny 2 fit into both a type (e.g. auto rifle, sidearm, etc.) and an ammo currency (primary, special, or heavy). But some weapons get a little silly...