While we might be deep in the middle of Patch 6.35 for Final Fantasy XIV, there’s always more on the horizon. The next major patch is Patch 6.4. Major patches tend to come out four months apart, meaning 6.4 will probably drop in May 2023.
Today, Square Enix announced the next Letter from the Producer Live. On the official Lodestone blog, it was revealed that Part LXXVI will air on Friday, March 31, 2023 at 4:00 a.m. PDT / 7:00 a.m. EDT.
The livestream will air on YouTube, NicoNico, and Twitch. The FFXIV team has offered up links for all three services.
This will be only the first Live Letter focused on Patch 6.4. We already have some idea of what will be in the patch. Patch 6.4 will see the release of the last Pandaemonium raid, finishing off this lost side story in the history of the Ancients. Another Criterion Dungeon and more Island Sanctuary content will also be coming in the patch. We’ll also likely get another dungeon and trial, continuing the story of the Thirteenth and Golbez. Are you prepared for the future?