The Summer Sunset Bandana is a clothing item gained for completing the 2022 Moonfire Faire seasonal event. The entire set will prepare you for those warm summer nights, leisurely relaxing at Costa del Sol or another Eorzean beach.
To gain the new attire set, you’ll need to test your reflexes. Pick up the Moonfire Faire quest “A Matter of Course” from Mayaru Moyaru in Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X: 11.5, Y: 13.8). That’ll take you to the event location just off the coast of Costa del Sol in Eastern La Noscea. Once you complete the following quest, “Fhul Me Once” from R’fhul Tia in Eastern La Noscea (X: 36.6, Y: 28.3), you’ll be rewarded with the full Summer Sunset set.
In addition to this item, the set also includes:
- Summer Sunset Beach Cover-Up
- Summer Sunset Wrist Torques
- Summer Sunset Bottoms
- Summer Sunset Sandals
Once the 2022 Moonfire Faire event is over on August 26, 2022 at 7:59 a.m. PDT / 10:59 a.m. EDT you’ll no longer be able to complete the quest and get the set for free. The attire is unlikely to return for future Moonfire Faire events, but it does usually appear on the Online Store later.