Final Fantasy XIV News & Guides
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Out of all of the mounts that producer Naoki Yoshida showed during the Final Fantasy XIV Live Letter from the Producers ahead of Patch 6.4, the axolotl mount was by far one of the cutest. Pla...
If you’re leveling up a new Job in Final Fantasy XIV, you’ll have to make your way through this level range. Levels 50 to 60 were added in the Heavensward expansion, alongside a few...
The Arkasodara of Final Fantasy XIV, who you might know as the elephant people in Thavnair, are the latest Tribal Quest faction made available with Patch 6.15. They’re also the first to go by...
Rhalgr, the Destroyer. Thaliak, the Scholar. Nald’thal, the Traders. The Twelve loom large over the background of Final Fantasy XIV. They are the patron deities of whole cities like Old Sharl...
PVP isn’t everyone’s favorite activity in Final Fantasy XIV. It can be confusing, stressful, and hectic, and feel somewhat disconnected from the rest of the main game. All of that remains tru...
When it was revealed that Creative Business Unit III (who we often refer to as the Final Fantasy XIV team) was leading development on Final Fantasy XVI, many dedicated FFXIV p...
Welcome to the first step in your journey to conquering Omega Ultimate in FFXIV: the Beetle Omega boss! The first phase of The Omega Protocol (Ultimate) raid will test your ability to react t...
The dense forests of the Black Shroud hide all manner of beasts that threaten Gridania and its surrounding towns. At a dig site, the Warrior of Light will find something much worse, however. Here lies...
It’s about that time. Another Live Letter from the Producer is scheduled for July 1, 2022 at 4:00 a.m. PT/ 11:00 GMT / 21:00 AEST and it will cover t...
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, huh? When I pulled up to my Free Company house the other day, saw members of VinCo lined up by our market board, and heard the little jingle that plays outside the...
Aw yeah, a moment Final Fantasy XIV players have been waiting for: more information on Island Sanctuary. The FFXIV team revealed Island Sanctuary quite some time ago...
Final Fantasy XIV players continue feasting, as the latest Live Letter from the Producer gave a ton of information on new content in FFXIV Patch 6.2. The update is called “Buried Mem...
Welcome to the beginning of your Final Fantasy XIV journey! Alternatively, perhaps you’re looking into trying a different Job and you want to get through the leveling process as quickly as po...
The Final Fantasy XIV team released patch notes for Patch 6.11a early this morning, and it looks to bring balance changes and the freedom to idle for all! If you’re expecting something earth-...
Let’s be honest; half of the time, all we really want from Glamour are those swank unique looks the in-game cast has. Final Fantasy XIV pulls out all the stops in designing the lo...
Everyone has to start somewhere on the road to Relic Weapons in FFXIV, and this lengthy Zodiac weapon quest begins here. This guide will cover the Relic Zodiac Weapons, the first in this line...
Shortly after the launch of Patch 6.1 in Final Fantasy XIV on April 12, players will be able to take part in the next seasonal event. FFXIV will start the Hatching Tide event...
Earlier this week, Patch 6.11a released for Final Fantasy XIV. A number of players noticed that the patch was largely centered around balance changes for PVP Jobs&nb...
Folks who’ve jumped into the new Patch 6.15 update for Final Fantasy XIV have been treated to a handful of new activities and quests. The Arkasodara Tribal Quests is one of those new features...
Under the waves of La Noscea lie a series of hidden caverns. Within, you’ll find a cadre of pirates causing trouble for Limsa Lominsa, led by Captain Madison of the Serpent Reavers. Behind the Reavers...