Nier Reincarnation to Host FFXIV Collaboration Event in 2022

Nier's mobile spin-off gets FFXIV guests, instead of the other way around.

In Shadowbringers, Final Fantasy XIV’s world played host to characters, enemies, and environments from the NieR series, and now it’s time for the reverse. During today’s NieR Reincarnation first anniversary stream, series producer Yosuke Saito and Reincarnation director Daichi Matsukawa revealed Square Enix’s MMORPG will crossover with the NieR mobile game in 2022.

While NieR Reincarnation’s English Twitter account shared a link to the stream with no other update, the official Japanese account confirmed the summer 2022 timeframe for FFXIV’s collaboration. In the actual livestream, Matsukawa got a little more specific and shared a slide with the collaboration slotted for May this year. Japan’s mobile NieR launched a few months ahead of the global version, but event announcements aren’t often too far behind each other.

While that’s all cool as hell, and I’ve already fallen straight into the trap with a prompt NieR Reincarnation reinstall, the anniversary stream didn’t reveal much else. There’s the obvious assumption we’ll get gacha character pulls, weapons, and a few environments; however, the exact who and what part remains a mystery. I’m getting my obvious Y’shtola guess in here, but also begging Square Enix to give our most precious Scion G’raha Tia a chance. I’ll accept Estinien, too— but that list gets way longer if you let me have non-Scions.

Okabe briefly brought up the switch in collaborations mentioning the largely Automata-themed raids FFXIV received in 5.x patches. For the unfamiliar, FFXIV players level 80 and above can venture into the YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse fights. It’s a set of three 24-man encounters filled with NieR fanservice throwbacks, including everything from Pod and 2B appearances to heartwrenching rearrangements of the Final Fantasy Crystal Theme and Automata’s Weight of the World. The story is kind of nonsense, but you’re damn right I sobbed hysterically with every little NieR reference.

NieR Reincarnation may not share much more until the event gets closer, but FFXIV does have its own broadcast planned for February 18. The stream is billed as a Q&A with director and producer Naoki Yoshida, along with a preview of what the next ten years hold for the MMO. Look, I know it’s not exactly an in-game FFXIV thing, but I think Yoshida revealing who’s guesting in Reincarnation should count as plans for the next decade. Give us the deets, Yoshi-P.

About the Author

Andrea Shearon

Andrea Shearon is Fanbyte's weekend news editor. She's got a soft spot for most RPGs, but FFXIV occupies a majority of her free time.