New FFXIV Patch 6.3 Details Emerge as Official Site is Updated

New tidbits about FFXIV Patch 6.3 surface on the special site teasing more about what's happening in the main story.

There’s never been a better time for goth girls in Final Fantasy XIV. With FFXIV Patch 6.3, not only do we get newcomer Zero front and center alongside the Warrior of Light in the keyart, but one of the new bosses in the upcoming dungeon Lapis Manalis is a scythe-wielding goth girl who towers over the party. Let’s go.

The special site for FFXIV 6.3 revealed the official keyart for the patch and offered up some new screenshots of the new dungeon, MSQ cutscenes, and remix of Containment Bay P1T6 for Sophia Unreal. This also comes with new, short descriptors for each piece of new content, which are included below.

FFXIV Patch 6.3 is set to launch in early January 2023, and all bets are on it going live on Tuesday, January 10. We have a full breakdown of everything we know so far about FFXIV 6.3 based on the latest Live Letter from the Producer, which you should check. Here’s what we learned from the special site update.

FFXIV Patch 6.3 MSQ Cutscenes

Zero sees a new side of the realm in Old Sharlayan.
The squad travels to Garlemald. Look at those cute little coats Tataru made for Alphinaud and Alisaie.
Jullus comes back into the picture as you venture back to Garlemald.

Those caught up on MSQ from Patch 6.2 know that Zero is traveling across the source alongside the Scions in an effort to bring back Vrtra’s sister and fend off Golbez. From the teaser screenshots, this will involve Garlemald in some capacity and the reformed Garlean we know from Endwalker MSQ named Jullus. The special site’s blurb says:

In the darkness of the Thirteenth, the Warrior of Light finds an unexpected ally in a half-voidsent woman named Zero. She returns with them to the Source for a time, and upon recovering from their recent trials, they prepare to continue the search for Azdaja. But an unforeseen threat bars their path…

Lapis Manalis MSQ Dungeon Teaser

I don’t know who you are, but, hi. The latest teaser screenshot from the upcoming Lapis Manalis dungeon showcases a new boss who’s a scythe-wielding goth girl. Dope. The special site’s blurb about the dungeon reveals that the snow covered dungeon is perched in the mountains of Garlemald. Perhaps the Reaper Job itself will become central to the story here.

In pursuit of voidsent, you learn of an abandoned village in the mountains of Garlemald where Garleans once practiced the reaper arts. But what will you find there deep in the heart of the mountain?

Containment Bay P1T6 – Sophia Unreal Teaser

Players who ventured through the optional Warring Triad trials in the Heavensward 3.x days are familiar with Sophia. Patch 6.3 brings along an Unreal version of her boss fight, which follows the pattern of this patch cycle since we got Sephirot Unreal last time.

As ever, the faux commander craves tales of death-defying derring-do, and in a bid to satisfy him, you cast your mind back to your frenetic encounter with the eikon Sophia. The memory remains vivid even now, and you find yourself facing the Goddess once more, your very survival hanging in the balance…

Heavensward 3.x MSQ Duty Support

As expected, FFXIV 6.3 continues retrofitting old MSQ dungeons with the Duty Support system, letting you take story characters into dungeons as party members. Patch 6.3 covers the rest of Heavensward with the Great Gubal Library, the Aetherochemical Research Facility, the Antitower, Sohr Khai, Xelphatol, and Baelsar’s Wall. This leads straight into Stormblood, which will get Duty Support dungeons in Patch 6.4 and 6.5.

The screenshot above shows us being able to take Alphinaud and Aymeric to Sohr Khai where you battle against Hraesvelgr in a test of your strength.

The Duty Support system has been expanded to include six additional dungeons from Heavensward. With all main scenario dungeons playable in the free trial now covered, this is the perfect time to begin your adventures in Eorzea!

Full Breakdown of FFXIV Patch 6.3

So much more is on the way with FFXIV Patch 6.3 and 6.35. This includes the next Deep Dungeon called Eureka Orthos, the second Endwalker alliance raid with Euphrosyne, the new Loporrits Tribal Quests, and bunch of new features for Island Sanctuary. We’ll be covering everything as we get more updates leading into Patch 6.3 and beyond.

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