It’s for a brand-new update for Final Fantasy XIV! The official FFXIV 6.35 patch notes have been published, giving us insight into what the team has added in this patch. The scope of the additions aren’t as big as a primary patch, but there’s still more than enough new things to do!
While nothing too significant was overhauled, Machinist mains will want to take note of how their Job has changed. Gunbreaker and Astrologian get some neat perks while a handful of others get minor potency boosts.
Here, we condense and breakdown everything you could possibly want to know about Patch 6.2 with our very own FFXIV 6.2 patch notes summary.
FFXIV 6.35 Side Quest Updates
- If you’re up-to-date with your Hildibrand quests, you can start the Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures by picking up “The Spectacle of Inspection” from Delion at Radz-at-Han (X: 11.9, Y: 11.1). You’ll, of course, need to have finished the last Hildibrand quest, “The Imperfect Gentleman” first.
FFXIV 6.35 Manderville Relics and Splendorous Tools
- Players can now start the second leg of forging their Manderville Relic weapons. You’ll need to finish the Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures above and craft the first step of the Manderville Relic. With those prerequisites done, you can pick up “Well-oiled” from Gerolt in Radz-at-Han (X: 12.0, Y: 7.1).
- There’s also the new Splendorous Tools for all you high-level Disciples of the Land and Hand. You don’t need to have completed the Skysteel Tools in this case, but you do need to have completed “Endwalker” and unlocked the Crystarium Deliveries by completing the quest “The Crystalline Mean” from Katliss in The Crystarium (X: 11.0, Y: 8.5). Then talk to Mowen in Eulmore (X: 11.4, Y: 10.7) to unlock the Boutique of Splendors. With all of that done, you can speak to Chora-Zoi in Crystarium (X: 7.8, Y: 11.4) and pick up the quest “An Original Improvement”.
How Loporrit Tribal Quests Work in FFXIV 6.35
- There’s a brand-new series of Tribal Quests in Patch 6.35. The Loporrit Tribal Quests are focused on Disciples of the Hand, meaning any Level 80 crafter can start these quests. You need to have finished the Dreamingway sidequests, which begin with the quest “Name That Way” from Knockingway in Mare Lamentorum (X: 22.0, Y: 10.7) and end with “Dream A Little Dream”. Once you’ve completed that quest and “Endwalker”, the final quest of the Endwalker main scenario, you can pick up “Must Be Dreaming(way)” from Dreamingway in Old Sharlayan (X: 11.7, Y: 10.9).
- You’ll be able to do three daily quests every 24 hours. As you complete the quest, you’ll gain 60 Loporrit Relations, the Tribal reputation, and one Loporrit Carat. Each Reputation level offers a new set of rewards from the Tribal Vendor, Coiningway at Mare Lamentorum (X: 17.4, Y: 15.8).
How Eureka Orthos Works in FFXIV 6.35
- The primary new addition with Patch 6.35 is the latest Deep Dungeon, Eureka Orthos. Players can unlock the new content by picking up the quest “Delve Into Myth” from Koh Rabntah in Mor Dhona (X: 21.8, Y: 8.1). You need to have completed the quest “Endwalker” from the Endwalker main scenario first, and have cleared floor 50 of the original Deep Dungeon, the Palace of the Dead.
- Players need to have a Disciple of War or Magic up to Level 81 to enter. If you’ve unlocked the Deep Dungeon and are of the correct level, you can speak to Khatun in Mor Dhona (X: 34.8, Y: 19.2) to queue up.
- Once you’ve cleared Floor 30, you’ll get a new quest “Rage Extinguished” and be given the option to start from Floor 1 or Floor 21 of Eureka Orthos.
- Challenging floors beyond Floor 30 cannot be done with a matched party, so prepare your static or hop into Party Finder.
- The new Pomanders for Eureka Orthos are called Protomanders. They work mostly the same, but have some new effects.
- There’s also a new system called Demiclones, which creates NPCs that fight alongside the player who summoned them.
How Eureka Orthos Rewards Work
- Clearing every 10 floors in Eureka Orthos will offer different rewards:
- Floor 10 – Experience, 10 Allagan tomestones of poetics, and 1,000 gil
- Floor 20 – Experience, 20 Allagan tomestones of poetics, and 1,500 gil
- Floor 30 and beyond – Experience, 30 Allagan tomestones of poetics, and 2,000 gil
- Finishing Floor 30 will unlock the Orthos Aetherpool Fragment, which you can trade to the Synthesis Node in Mor Dhona (X: 34.9, Y: 19.0).
- Once you clear Floor 30, complete “Rage Extinguished”, and your Orthos aetherpool arm and Orthos aetherpool armor to +10, you can acquire an Orthos Aetherpool Grip, which can then be exchanged for a weapon from the Synthesis Node.
Other New Additions in Patch 6.35
- Furnishings from the FFXIV Furnishing Design Contest 2019 have been added, alongside other new Furnishings!
- New Triple Triad cards, if that’s your poison!
- There are new hairstyles, including a short buzz for male and female characters!
- There’s a brand-new Loporrit-inspired Emote.
- There are new items, recipes, gathering points for Miners and Botanists, and new fishing holes for Fishers.
- There’s a new mount and minion for the Loporrit Tribal Quests, and a new chocobo barding, minion, and fashion accessories tied to Eureka Orthos.
Duty Support Additions
- Eureka Orthos has been added to the Deep Dungeon category in the Party Finder.