FFXIV Online Store Updates With Holiday Items and Heavensturn 2022 Gear

Now is your chance to grab the Far Northern set.

Final Fantasy XIV is constantly rotating through its seasonal events, and alongside those events are unique holiday items. The Starlight Celebration event for 2022 just ended, giving way to the Heavensturn 2023 event. If you missed the Starlight Steed mount, then that’s sad days for you. My condolences.

FFXIV Wind Up Ruby and Squirrel Emperor

As the seasonal events happen, the Final Fantasy XIV team also updates the Online Store. Through the store, players get a second chance to grab any holiday item they might’ve missed in the past. For example, last year’s Starlight Celebration offered a few rewards for completing its quests. Players could grab the Wind-up Rudy and Squirrel Emperor minions, as well as the Starlight Mobile housing item. If you happened to miss both last year, you can find them right now in the Online Store! Wind-Up Rudy, Squirrel Emperor, and Starlight Mobile are all $5 each.

Likewise, last year’s Heavensturn event was all about celebrating the real-world Year of the Tiger. Players who completed the available quests were rewarded with the Golden Tora Kabuto and Silver Tora Kabuto helmets. Both items are now available on the Online Store for $3 each, while you can also pick up the Authentic White Tiger screen housing item for $5.

FFXIV Far Northern Attire

Finally, the team has also added a completely unique item to the Online Store for the holiday season. The Far Northern Attire bundles up your Warrior of Light for the extreme cold of the Far North. The set includes the Far Northern Headpiece, Far Northern Tunic, Far Northern Felted Gloves, Far Northern Bottoms, and Far Northern Boots. The Far Northern Attire comes in a default red and blue look, but the entire set is dyeable, so you can switch out the blue for something more your style.

Unfortunately, like many other newly-added item sets in FFXIV, Viera and Hrothgar cannot equip the Far Northern Headpiece. Nay, your ears are simply a snowy mountaintop that’s too hard to summit. If that’s not a problem, the Far Northern Attire will set you back $18.

Usually, only the previous year’s seasonal items are available on the Store for a limited time. If Rudy and Squirrel minions, or the Golden Tora Kabuto have caught your eye, now is the time to buy! Don’t miss your last chance to grab these Starlight Celebration and Heavensturn items!

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