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Moonshine Shine Overview


A luminous substance produced at the High Crucible of Al-Kimiya, used to polish lunar envoy's accessories to transcendent perfection. Through copious trial and error, the chances of accoutrements enhanced in such a manner blinding those who look upon them has been reduced to nearly zero.


ffxiv moonshine shine

Moonshine Shine is one of three upgrade materials acquired via completing Abyssos (Savage) raids in FFXIV. One can be purchased in exchange for four total copies of Abyssos Mythos II — a type of currency dropped upon completing Abyssos: The Sixth Circle (Savage). The shine can be used to upgrade Lunar Envoy accessories.

To make the exchange, players can speak to one of two NPCs: Mylenie in Labyrinthos (X: 8.3, Y: 27.6) or Djole in Radz-at-Han (X: 10.3, Y: 9.6). For reference, Mylenie is just east of the Aporia Aetheryte (near where you start the Pandaemonium raid series). Whereas Djole operates in the West Balshahn Bazaar. Select any option marked “Abyssos Mythos Exchange” and scroll to the bottom of the available purchases. Moonshine Shine is the very last purchase option.

Moonshine Shine is also a loot drop from the Abyssos: The Sixth Circle (Savage) raid itself. Though players must compete for it by rolling Need or Greed.

Once you have Moonshine Shine, speak to the NPC Khaldeen in Radz-at-Han (X: 10.8, Y: 10.4). They are also located in the West Balshahn Bazaar — next to the Tomestone Exchange merchant Cihanti.

Choose any of the “Lunar Envoy’s Gear Augmentation” dialogue options (DoW I, DoW II, or DoM) to use the shine to upgrade a particular accessory. You will first need a Lunar Envoy accessory (which can be purchased from Cihanti in exchange for tomestones), of course. No other currency is required to make the purchase.

The new Augmented Lunar Envoy accessory will be Item Level 630 — as opposed to Item Level 620 on the normal gear.

The other Lunar Envoy augmentation materials include:

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