Final Fantasy XIV Guides

As we welcome a new journey in Final Fantasy XIV‘s 6.1 update, you may have noticed an unfamiliar shiny-winged cat soaring through the skies. That’s probably the Bluefeather Lynx, a mount rew...

Grab yourself a few ounces of firesand and prepare to do some mining in the abandoned mines sitting on the edges of Ul’dah. Once thought bare, now they teem with life, but not the expected kind. Inste...

The FFXIV Fashion Report for April 8, 2022 is live! It’s also the last one before we swing into Patch 6.1 with new (and newfound) adventures. Naturally, you want to look your best for the big...

Final Fantasy XIV continues its Patch 6.2 Abyssos raid series with Hegemone, another boss wielding noxious debuffs and arena changes. The Sixth Circle Savage (P6S) may be more forgiving than...

Thavnairian Calamari is the latest FFXIV fish needed to make a tasty dish (or two or three). That is to say: you need this new catch to create the latest Item Level 590 food items as a Culina...

In the advent of Endwalker, Final Fantasy XIV introduced its newest healing job, Sage. With its powerful barrier abilities and convenient healing-on-the-go kit, Sage is an attractive...

If you can’t log into Final Fantasy XIV and see error code 1014, it’s probably something on Square Enix’s end. The short answer is that many “World data could n...

The Forlorn Maiden, and its less common counterpart the Forlorn, are essential parts of FATE grinding in Final Fantasy XIV. These special monsters spawn during specific FATEs found throughout...

We turn away from the First Circle of Pandaemonium, and head into the Second. Following the end of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker’s main scenario, we dive into the secret...

With Patch 6.3 in Final Fantasy XIV, we’ll be able to dive deeper into the Myths of the Realm alliance raids. This is the Endwalker-era 24-player raid series, which continues with th...

Final Fantasy XIV Patch 6.3 — aka Gods Revel, Lands Tremble — continues the main story and includes a new dungeon. With newcomer Zero at your side in the Source, you investigate a new threat...

Competitive multiplayer in Final Fantasy XIV has been completely revamped thanks to Patch 6.1. Now more than ever, PVP in FFXIV has a distinct meta with each Job being completely overhau...

It turns out Final Fantasy XIV isn’t done crossing over with the world of NieR: Automata. In addition to the YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse raid series from Shadowbringers, FFXI...

Gpose, the FFXIV equivalent of a photo mode, is typically the best way to take pictures of your character in-game. And who doesn’t like grabbing screenshots of their Warrior of Light performi...

Some significant additions are packed into Patch 6.05 for Final Fantasy XIV. While some may be working on clearing the Savage versions of the Pandaemonium Asphodelos raids, most folk...

The various Legendary gathering nodes in FFXIV take a long time to unlock and a great deal of patience to conquer. The new ones found in each Endwalker patch are no different. You ne...

We turn away from the First and Second Circles of Pandaemonium, which easily fell beneath your blade. Now we move to the third leg of Final Fantasy XIV

Sleeping in beds in FFXIV is more than a nice little Easter egg. It’s a ritual, a way to show your Warrior of Light that you care about their rest and wellbeing — certainly more...

Thavnairian Corn in FFXIV joins a few new crafting materials introduced in Patch 6.1 for Endwalker. The name alone should give away its basic location, but in case you’re still...

Stand tall, Warriors of Light! You have entered the Tower of Babil, the second dungeon of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. While the Tower of Zot was simply the first foray into the monstrous plan...