How to Unlock the Myths of the Realm: Thaleia in FFXIV

Enter the final battle with the Twelve!

In Final Fantasy XIV Patch 6.5, the final entry in the Myths of the Realm Alliance Raid series was added: Thaleia, the home of the gods of Eorzea, and site of our final showdown with the Twelve. 

If you’ve been following along with the story, you’ll know that there are just four more of Eorzea’s would-be gods to handle. First though, you’ll need to unlock the Raid. While it may seem obvious where to do this, it has been several months since the previous 24-person Raid, so you might need a refresher. 

How to unlock the Thaleia raid in FFXIV

To unlock Thaleia, make sure you’ve first completed the two previous raids in the Myths of the Realm series, Aglaia and Euphrosyne. You’ll also need to have completed the three quests following the Euphrosyne raid, ending in “The Secret of the Twelve.” Additionally, make sure you’re level 90, and have average item level 625 or above.

Image via Square Enix

Where to unlock Myths of the Realm: Thaleia

In order to unlock the Raid once all prerequisites have been met, head to Mor Dhona and seek out Deryk, at X: 23.9 Y: 9.1. He’s been your companion for most of the Myths of the Realm, and primary quest-giver, so it’s no different this time. Speak to him, continue through the quest chain, and you’ll unlock Thaleia.

As mentioned, Thaleia is a 24-person Alliance Raid. At the time of release, you can only receive one gear item from the Raid per week, and will lose the ability to Need or Greed after you’ve gotten one of the new gear items from the Raid.

Additionally, once you complete Thaleia, you’ll receive a Thaleia Coin. Thaleia Coins can be traded to Nesvaaz in Radz-at-Han (X:10.6 Y:10.0), in conjunction with other coins, for items to enhance Credendum Gear up to Item Level 660. At the time of writing you’ll only receive one coin per week. You’ll also receive two Cracked Anthoclusters which can be exchanged for Materia.

About the Author

Michael Hassall

After giving up a "real" job in Marketing in 2019, Michael started working as esports, gaming, and entertainment journalist and hasn't looked back. He lives in the UK, but wishes he lived in Eorzea, having spent 5,000 hours there. When not dutifully grinding Tomestones and being designated furniture crafter for his FC, he enjoys travel to warm places, cold drinks, light reading, and heavy metal.