How to Get the Apocryphal Bahamut Mount in FFXIV

Collect all the cats, get a dragon!

Players of Final Fantasy XIV can now face what is probably the final Trial of Endwalker, as Patch 6.5 is most likely the last major patch before the release of the upcoming Dawntrail expansion. As is customary with the Trials of each expansion, Warriors of Light who have collected each mount rewarded from their Extreme difficulties have yet another waiting for them – the Apocryphal Bahamut.

Since A Realm Reborn, chests rewarded after the completion of its Extreme Trials have the chance to drop a rare mount, their themes varying with each expansion. While these high-end Trials aren't as tricky as Savage Raids, you shouldn't take them lightly. Extreme Trials still demand coordination and mastery of mechanics, as they have a sharp difficulty curve compared to their base versions.

Image via Square Enix

Reward for collecting all Lynx mounts in FFXIV

Endwalker continues the trend of potentially rewarding a mount after completing its Extreme Trials in the form of various lynx mounts. With the release of The Abyssal Fracture in Patch 6.5, players can now obtain the seventh and final lynx of the expansion.

Here are all seven mounts rewarded from Endwalker's Extreme Trials:

Lynx Of Eternal DarknessThe Minstrel's Ballad: Zodiark's Fall
Lynx Of Divine LightThe Minstrel's Ballad: Hydaelyn's Call
Bluefeather LynxThe Minstrel's Ballad: Endsinger's Aria
Lynx Of Imperious WindStorm's Crown (Extreme)
Lynx Of Righteous FireMount Ordeals (Extreme)
Lynx Of Fallen ShadowThe Voidcast Dais (Extreme)
Lynx Of Abyssal GriefThe Abyssal Fracture (Extreme)

Players who have completed the Main Scenario Quest "Down in the Dark" and have all seven lynx mounts in their collections can speak to Singingway in Old Sharlayan (X: 12, Y: 10) to take the quest "Wings of Hope." Following the steps of the short quest will reward you with the Apocryphal Bahamut horn that adds a version of the legendary wyrm, Bahamut, to your collection. This Bahamut, however, carries you on a sofa because nothing is more important than comfort.

FFXIV Extreme Trial Reward
Image via Square Enix

While the Apocryphal Bahamut doesn't fit aesthetically as the reward for collecting lynxes, it's still more than suitable after putting in the required work to get it. The mount's design is based on art created by Yoshitaka Amano, who has worked on character designs, logos, and various illustrations for the Final Fantasy franchise for many years. Since Endwalker gave fans around the world a fitting end to a storyline that has been evolving over the last decade, it's appropriate that its final Trial mount pays homage to the entries in the Final Fantasy series that came before it.

About the Author

Mills Webster

Mills is a lifelong fan of all things video games, especially the Final Fantasy franchise. After playing his favorite entry in the series, Final Fantasy VIII, for the first time in the distant year of 1999, Mills has completed nearly every Final Fantasy game since. He has played Final Fantasy XIV since 2016, where he's clocked almost 8,000 hours of playtime and serves as an in-game mentor.