How To Get All The A Realm Reborn Horse Mounts in FFXIV

No Moogle-themed horse mount though.

As a player gets more into Final Fantasy XIV, they inevitably understand that showing off their coolest mounts is just part of the fun. While stallions are common in most games, the A Realm Reborn horse mounts are unique and connected to a good portion of the base game’s lore.

Getting the ARR horse mounts – also known as Nightmare mounts – is considerably simple, but it might be quite challenging for new players. Even so, if they find the strength – or a group of geared friends – to tackle the mission of getting all ARR horse mounts, a special reward awaits them. 

How to get all the ARR horse mounts in FFXIV

In FFXIV, most Extreme Trials drop a unique mount which can’t be sold on the Marketboard or traded with others. Players can get the horse mounts by defeating some of the ARR Trials in Extreme difficulty. Even though these fights have been around for quite some time already, beating the bosses doesn’t mean a guaranteed mount drop. When it happens, all players in the party roll for the whistle, an item used to unlock the mount. So, it might take a few runs before a mount drops, or everyone gets one.

Image via Square Enix

Players can acquire seven ARR horse mounts in FFXIV Extreme Trials. Completing these fights unsynced does not affect the drop rate of the mounts. The list of mounts and how to unlock them goes as follows:


To acquire the red-fire horse, players must earn the Aithon Whistle by completing The Bowl of Embers (Extreme). The “Ifrit Ain’t Broke” quest given by Urianger at X: 6.0 Y: 4.9 in The Waking Sands unlocks this level 50 Trial, and players’ Item Level must be at least 70 to enter the fight against Ifrit. 


Players can unlock Xanthos with the Xanthos Whistle, an item dropped in The Howling Eye (Extreme) fight. The “Gale-force Warning” quest is the one players should look for if they want to try their luck against Garuda again. Vorsaile Heuloix gives the quest in New Gridania at X: 9.7 Y: 11.1. Players must be at level 50 and at least Item Level 65. 


Fighting Titan in The Navel (Extreme) is how players can get the Gullfaxi Whistle. Accessing this fight is possible only if players are at level 50 or higher and at least Item Level 67. Then, they get the quest “Quake Me Up Before You O’Ghomoro” given by Urianger in The Walking Sands at X: 6.0 Y: 4.9. This quest only appears after players have completed the “Gale-force Warning” quest. 


Enbarr is the mount earned by defeating Leviathan, which gives players the Enbarr Whistle. Completing the “Whorl of a Time” quest unlocks The Whorleater (Extreme) duty. Who gives this quest is Urianger in The Walking Sands at X: 6.0 Y: 4.9. To face off Leviathan, players must be at level 50 and at least Item Level 80. 


Acquiring the black stallion Nightmare is a little bit tricky since this mount is not dropped by a specific boss. The Nightmare Whistle is a rare drop that players might find in three different fights: The Howling Eye (Extreme), The Bowl of Embers (Extreme), and The Navel (Extreme). 

Image via Square Enix


If players face Shiva in The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme), they might get a Boreas Whistle, the item they need to unlock Boreas. At level 50 and with at least Item level 90, players can access this fight through the quest “Drop Dead Shiva”. This quest is given by Urianger in The Waking Sands at X: 6.0 Y: 4.9.  


The Markab Whistle is an item dropped by Ramuh in the Striking Tree (Extreme). To unlock this fight and have the chance to add the Markab mount to their collection, players must complete the “Judgement Bolts and Lightning” quest. This encounter is for players at level 50 and Item Level 85. Scarlet gives the quest in New Gridania at X: 9.9 Y: 11.4.

How to get Kirin, the special ARR horse mount in FFXIV

In FFXIV, there is a special mount called Kirin. This mount is given only to those who have gone through all the aforementioned fights and unlocked all the horse mounts. Nightmare is the only mount players don’t need to have in order to get Kirin. 

After players have acquired all the required horse mounts, they can look for the Wandering Minstrel, found in Mor Dhona at X: 21 Y: 8. This NPC gives the “A Legend for a Legend” sidequest, which rewards players with the Kirin Fife.

About the Author

Paulo Kawanishi

A freelance writer with works published in Polygon, Eurogamer, The Loadout, and many others publications. He has a long list of games in his backlog, although he keeps looking for new ones to play.