There’s a point in each Warrior of Light’s journey in Final Fantasy XIV that they will choose an allegiance to one of three Grand Companies. Holding rank with your choice of the Order of the Twin Adder, Maelstrom, or Immortal Flames allows you to earn a currency called Grand Company Seals as a reward for completing various tasks in-game.
Grand Company Seals, often referred to as “GC Seals,” can be awarded for completing tasks like FATEs, specific Duty Roulettes, and turning in any unwanted loot you’ve acquired. You can use these GC Seals to purchase unique items and materials via any Quartermaster of the three Grand Companies. This guide outlines methods of farming Grand Company Seals fast and the most worthwhile items to spend them on.
How to unlock Grand Companies in FFXIV
Each Grand Company has a quest to unlock access early on in A Realm Reborn. Once you’ve completed the level 20 Main Scenario Quest "A Hero in the Making", you’ll gain access to three different quests, each named a variation of "The Company You Keep". Which one you select will confirm your allegiance to that specific Grand Company and offer you a unique dye related to them. It doesn’t matter which one you choose, since they offer the same rewards outside of their Grand Company-specific outfits and bardings.

When you first join a Grand Company, you’ll start at the lowest rank of Private Third Class. The starting rank has a cap of 10,000 GC Seals, so any earned after reaching the maximum amount are lost. You can raise the limit of how many seals you can hold by getting promoted and working through the Grand Company’s ranks.
How to farm Grand Company Seals in FFXIV
Progressing through a Grand Company’s rank gives you a raised cap on their seals and grants access to more valuable items to spend them on. As you rise through the ranks, you’ll have more options for benefitting from Grand Company Seals, like valuable crafting materials and frequently used resources. Since there will be many ways to spend your seals, you’ll need to know the many ways to earn them.

Expert Deliveries
After reaching Sergeant Second Class with your Grand Company, you’ll gain access to Expert Deliveries, which allow you to turn in weapons and armor with pink, green, or blue rarities to your Personnel Officer for GC Seals. The higher the turned-in gear’s item level, the more seals received.
You can turn in gear to your Grand Company’s Personnel Officer at the following locations:
Grand Company | NPC | Location |
The Maelstrom | Storm Personnel Officer | Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks |
The Order of the Twin Adder | Serpent Personnel Officer | New Gridania |
The Immortal Flames | Flame Personnel Officer | Ul’dah – Steps of Nald |
Select “Undertake supply and provisioning missions” and then click the “Expert Delivery” tab. This will show all of the gear in your inventory that can be sold to your Grand Company for Seals, though you'll want to choose the option to Hide Gearset Items so you don't accidentally trade in gear you currently have equipped on other jobs.
Rather than using the Allagan Tomestones of Poetics you earn for other gil-making ventures, Poetics can be used as another source for GC Seals. By choosing an accessory from the highest item-level Poetics gear set available, like any Augmented Cryptlurker's Ring, you can exchange that gear for a hefty sum of GC Seals.
Completing any FATE of any level will net you GC Seals, meaning if you're grinding FATEs in a specific region for alt leveling, a Relic Weapon quest, or shared FATEs, you'll have a steady income from them. Regardless of whatever additional circumstances require the completion of FATEs, the Seals they provide makes this method one of the easiest ways to quickly increase your Grand Company rank.
Duty Roulettes
The Leveling and Guildhests Daily Roulettes are the only two Roulettes that offer GC Seals as a reward. Completing the Daily Roulette: Leveling for the first time each day will give you the most bang for your buck, but adding Guildhests will increase your daily income slightly. To make efficient use of your time, queuing for the Leveling roulette as a Tank or Healer job will shorten queue times for you to get in and out of the content quicker.
Supply and Provision Missions
Disciples of the Land and Hand have access to Supply and Provisioning Missions as another source of GC Seals. Your Grand Company's Personnel Officer requests that you provide gathered or crafted items daily for each crafting and gathering job. Talk to the Personnel Officer and select “Undertake supply and provisioning missions" to see which items are required to turn-in for GC Seals and massive amounts of experience.

Grand Company Leves
These are Levequests that are marked as belonging to each Grand Company. You can do any Guildleve that belongs to any Grand Company, but you'll gain extra experience and Seals if you choose a Guildleve for the Grand Company you hold rank with. These Guildleves come from specific Levemetes:
Level(s) | Grand Company | NPC | Location |
Level 20 to 25 | Maelstrom | Eugene | Lower La Noscea |
Twin Adder | Cedrepierre | East Shroud | |
Immortal Flame | Kikiri | Eastern Thanalan | |
Level 30 | Maelstrom | C'lafumyn | Western La Noscea |
Twin Adder | H'amneko | South Shroud | |
Immortal Flame | Blue Herring | Southern Thanalan | |
Level 35 | All Grand Companies | Haisie | Coerthas Central Highlands |
Level 40 | Lodille | Coerthas Central Highlands | |
Level 45 | Eidhart | Mor Dhona |

What to buy with GC Seals in FFXIV
Now that you’ve raised your rank and farmed some Seals, you may be wondering how to spend your newfound Grand Company riches. There’s a wide variety of options, but this guide will point out the items most worthy of your time. You can buy all these items at your respective Grand Company Quartermaster, found here:
Grand Company | NPC | Location |
The Maelstrom | Storm Quartermaster | Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks |
The Order of the Twin Adder | Serpent Quartermaster | New Gridania |
The Immortal Flames | Flame Quartermaster | Ul’dah – Steps of Nald |
Glamour Prisms and Glamour Dispellers
Glamour Prisms are the fuel for the cosmetic Glamour system since every piece of gear you change the appearance of or store in a Glamour Dresser requires one prism each. Being fashionable is Final Fantasy XIV’s true endgame, and players can quickly go through dozens of these prisms when trying to hone their style. Your Grand Company’s Quartermaster offers both Glamour Prisms and Glamour Dispellers once you reach the rank of Chief Sergeant. You can stock up on these items for yourself or sell them on the market to players who frequently change their look.
Your retainers can be a valuable tool for passively making gil if they return from their exploration missions with valuable items. Retainer Ventures require either one or two tokens known as “Ventures” to commence, and you’ll burn through them quickly if you’re keeping your retainers busy.
Each Grand Company Quartermaster offers one Venture for 200 Grand Company Seals. You can’t resell these on the market board for a profit, but you can use them to fuel another source of gil. Since Ventures are cheap compared to other items that the Quartermaster offers, it’s in your best interest to purchase them until you have a comfortable supply before switching your focus elsewhere.
Dark Matter
Dark Matter is the material Disciples of the Hand use to repair gear. As a gear piece’s item level increases, so does the grade of Dark Matter required to repair it. Your Grand Company’s Quartermaster will offer all grades for seals, but the best practice would be to purchase the highest grade available to keep for your own repairs or sell on the markets.

Cordials are potions used to quickly restore a Disciple of the Land's Gathering Points, or GP. Gathering jobs use GP on abilities that increase their yields, and Cordials play a vital role in getting the most resources out of time-limited nodes by allowing more frequent use of high-level skills. At 500 Grand Company Seals each, you can stockpile these for yourself or supply them to other Disciples of the Land through the market board.
Your Grand Company’s Quartermaster offers various Company-Issued Manuals for GC Seals, and each provides a buff that increases the amount of experience earned for Disciples of the Hand or Land jobs for 18 hours. The buff is the most effective while under level 40 or 50, depending on which manual you use, but they’re a valuable asset if you have crafters or gatherers in the lower levels.
Manual | Effect | Required Rank |
Company-issue Engineering Manual | 150% EXP boost for 18 hours for Disciples of the Hand under level 40. | Private First Class |
Company-issue Survival Manual | 150% EXP boost for 18 hours for Disciples of the Land under level 40. | |
Company-issue Engineering Manual II | 150% EXP boost for 18 hours for Disciples of the Hand under level 50. | Sergeant First Class |
Company-issue Survival Manual II | 150% EXP boost for 18 hours for Disciples of the Land under level 50. |
More efficient manuals that benefit higher levels can be purchased with White Crafters’ Scrips and White Gatherers’ Scrips, but the Company-issue Manuals make fine alternatives while you can still benefit from them.
Relic Weapon Materials
If you’re undertaking the Zodiac Relic Weapon quests, you can use Grand Company Seals to purchase some of the required items. The Zodiac Braves Relic, for example, requires four Bombard Cores with a price tag of 20,000 Company Seals each. You can also sell these items on the market board since players frequently go back to collect older Relic Weapons.
Materiel Containers
After reaching the Captain rank, your Grand Company will offer the Materiel Container 3.0 and Materiel Container 4.0 for 20,000 seals each, and opening either container will reward a minion or mount from A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood, depending on which case you choose. Minions you've already collected may fetch a decent price on your server's market board.