It’s been a few days since we closed the door on Little Ladies Day, the last seasonal event in Final Fantasy XIV. Hopefully you were able to complete the questline about being who you really are, picking up a new dance emote in the process.
The next seasonal event for 2023 is upon us! If you’ve missed the previous events, many of the items from 2021 and back are available on the FFXIV Online Store, including the Lovely Moogle Cap or Princess’s Peach Corsage. The prizes for finishing last year’s event, like the Eat Egg emote or Hatching Bunny minion, should be coming to the Online Store soon.
Hatching-tide 2023 Start Time and Quest Location
Hatching-tide 2023 is right around the corner! The event will begin on March 27, 2023 at 1:00 a.m. PDT / 4:00 a.m. EDT and will run until April, 2023 at 7:59 a.m. PDT / 10:59 a.m. EDT.
If you’d like to celebrate the ladies of the realm, you simply have to speak to the Jihli Aliapoh in Old Gridania (X: 10.2, Y: 9.4). You need to be Level 15 or higher on any Job to grab the quest “Get Along and Play Knife.”
Hatching-tide 2023 Rewards
The key reward this time around is an all-new Tonberry outfit! The outfit comes in five parts and you get all fives for finishing the questline. The items for the Tonberry outfit are:
There are additional rewards as well. There’s the new Frighten emote, which gives you a menacing countenance and glowing eyes. There’s also the Hippity-hoppity Hatching-tide Advertisement for your home, and Pa-Paya Demastered Orchestrion Roll.
There will also be a seasonal vendor that will allow you to pick up items from previous Hatching-tide events. We’ll update this article once we know where that vendor will be.
Patch 6.35 is still around, with new content like Eureka Orthos and the Amazing Manderville Relic Weapons. We also have the next Live Letter coming soon on March 31, giving us a look at Patch 6.4.