Best Weapons for Every Job in FFXIV (Patch 6.5)

A warrior is only as good as their weapon.

Each piece of gear adorned by the Warrior of Light in Final Fantasy XIV plays an essential role in their performance within the game's duties. With most of the game's activities based around combat, no item in their gearset plays a more vital role than their weapon.

With each update and increase in item levels, FFXIV players are constantly playing a game of chase to obtain the newest and best-in-slot (BiS) weapons to showcase their triumphs over challenging content and better prepare themselves for content on the horizon. Typically, you can find the best weapons in the game in the hands of Savage raiders, who have cleared the final raid of the current series.

Getting a raid clear may give access to the most powerful weapons, but that doesn't mean the more casual players are left kicking dirt. While weapons outside of the Savage-tier raids don't boast the highest item level in the game, the next best thing isn't far behind in terms of stats, meaning even Warriors of Light who never venture into higher-difficulty content can gear themselves to overpower lesser challenges.

The best weapons for every job in FFXIV (Patch 6.5)

Ascension weapons (Savage option)

No other weapons in the game have similar or better stats than the item level 665 Ascension weapons. Each is considered to be BiS for all 19 Disciple of War and Magic jobs, and it's only fitting that the most powerful gear is given to those who have conquered the most difficult content. 

FFXIV Ascension Gear
Image via Square Enix

You can obtain an Ascension weapon from the treasure coffer that appears after clearing Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle (Savage), otherwise known as P12S. The chest will contain an Ascension Weapon Coffer and a weapon chosen randomly for one of the 19 different Disciple of War or Magic jobs. If you're lucky, the weapon dropped will be for your desired job but still requires rolling against the other seven party members. The Ascension Weapon Coffer provides the weapon for whichever job is equipped when opening it, eliminating another layer of RNG for acquiring the BiS weapon.

PaladinSword of Ascension
WarriorBardiche of Ascension
Dark KnightGreatsword of Ascension
GunbreakerBayonet of Ascension
DragoonTrident of Ascension
MonkKnuckles of Ascension
NinjaKnives of Ascension
SamuraiSamurai Blade of Ascension
ReaperWar Scythe of Ascension
BardHarp Bow of Ascension
MachinistKnifelock of Ascension
DancerWar Quoits of Ascension
Black MageRod of Ascension
SummonerGrimoire of Ascension
Red MageFoil of Ascension
White MageCane of Ascension
ScholarCodex of Ascension
AstrologianPlanisphere of Ascension
SageWings of Ascension

Allagan Tomestone of Comedy weapons

Savage raiders only make up a fraction of Final Fantasy XIV's player base, and they're not the only ones who can put in hard work to obtain powerful gear. Using Allagan Tomestones of Comedy rewarded for completing content as a level 90 job and a unique token, players can acquire Credendum weapons. Each Credendum weapon has an item level of 650, surpassing the level requirement for any non-Savage content in the game.

FFXIV Credendum Gear
Image via Square Enix

Acquiring a Credendum weapon for your job requires 500 Allagan Tomestones of Comedy and one Hermetic Tomestone. With the current endgame tomestone cap being 450 and the weekly restrictions on raid drops, acquiring the weapon can take a few weeks. After obtaining the Hermetic Tomestone, speak to Cihanti at Radz-at-Han (X: 10.8, Y: 10.4) and exchange it alongside your 500 Allagan Tomestones of Comedy in the Comedy Weapon Exchange menu for the weapon of your choice.

PaladinPolaris Point
Dark KnightBlood Rapture
GunbreakerCerberus Fang
DragoonNight's Wolf
MonkDragon's Beard Fists
NinjaShinobi Knives
SamuraiHigan Shigan
ReaperAvatar's Scythe
BardBluebird's Nest
MachinistVitória do Povo
DancerTwin Moons
Black MageIgnis Malus
SummonerEncounter in Lilies
Red MageLamplight Crook
White MageBunny's Crescent
ScholarFaerie Fancy
AstrologianStar Gazer
SageIsnae Phis

While more casual players may obtain their desired Credendum weapon and call it a day, these tomestone weapons can still be beneficial to Savage raiders. For those who have yet to clear P12S, players can use the Divine Solvent, acquired by exchanging for four Anabaseios Mythos III books or dropped directly from Anabaseios: The Eleventh Circle (Savage)'s treasure coffer, to augment the Credendum weapon to item level 660. The Augmented Credendum weapon can then be further enhanced to its "Exquisite" version by using an Elevated Ester, dropped from the Savage difficulty of Another Aloalo Island, to increase the item level again to 665.

About the Author

Mills Webster

Mills is a lifelong fan of all things video games, especially the Final Fantasy franchise. After playing his favorite entry in the series, Final Fantasy VIII, for the first time in the distant year of 1999, Mills has completed nearly every Final Fantasy game since. He has played Final Fantasy XIV since 2016, where he's clocked almost 8,000 hours of playtime and serves as an in-game mentor.