Anyone who has enjoyed Final Fantasy XIV's story has likely settled on a favorite Scion. For a lot of players, that Scion is one of the two twins: Alphinaud or Alisaie. The bickering siblings have had their trials with each other over the years, but they always come together to solve the star's most pressing problems. Their voice actors, Colin Ryan (Alphinaud) and Bethan Walker (Alisaie), often voice them arguing over how best to proceed when world destruction is imminent, but what if the Warrior of Light had less pressing questions they wanted answers to?
In the lull between Endwalker and Dawntrail, FFXIV's story is in a peaceful place for now. It's the perfect time for the voice actors of our favorite Scions to think about how their character might react to certain situations, or what they'd think if they were asked questions such as whether a hot dog is a sandwich.
While Ryan and Walker aren't able to reveal anything about what they're working on in terms of Dawntrail, they were kind enough to sit down with Fanbyte and answer some absolutely absurd, stupid questions, with some about their relationship with each other peppered in. The two have been voicing their respective characters for about nine years now. In 2022, they finally got to meet in person and can now be found wandering around some conventions where they meet fans and enjoy each other's company. They've grown much closer since meeting, so much so that Walker might even be appearing on Ryan's Twitch stream soon if they can swing it.
For FFXIV fans who haven't had a chance to follow their adventures on Twitter/X yet, both Ryan and Walker can be found there. Ryan also has a Twitch channel he plans on streaming the game to.
Editor's note: This interview has been edited for clarity and length.

Fanbyte: Since you two met in person in 2022, has that changed your approach to your characters at all, in terms of how they interact with each other?
Walker: We've been talking about this really recently that it does. I think it has, because we've been playing them for nine years, as you know. All of a sudden, we're getting to know each other, and because we've been working together loads in the last couple of years in terms of conventions, not in the [recording] booth, as you know, it means when we go back into the studio, it's like having a friend with you. Someone you actually know, rather than a colleague or someone that you sort of work with. It's like we actually know each other's personalities. We know the little quippy lines between them. I think it's just becoming easier. It's become easier to bounce off each other in studio, even though [Colin's] not acting there. Because we have this kind of experience of what we're like in real life now, so it's been great. I think it's been really helpful.
Ryan: Exactly. I mean, it was so funny. When we first met, it was at a convention, and I think it was almost like we had we already knew each other. It was strange, wasn't it? Because for those seven, eight years leading up to that, we've obviously heard each other's voices. When we're in the recording studio, if Beth was in recording before me, then they would feed her lines in so that I could could play off them. So there was a familiarity, I guess, when we first met. From then, we've become really good friends, and then going into the booth since then has really changed the way that that I do my scenes with Alisaie now because we have a real relationship to base off of. It's definitely helped.
Walker: And I think it's permission to push each other a bit further with the acting as well, even though we're not in the room together. We're talking more now, together, about the plot and about where it's been and where it's going. I think we can push each other a little harder in studio now that we feel safe, because we know it. It's such a strange thing. Obviously, I've been aware of Colin in his career for such a long time. I think it can only benefit the game now that we're friends.
Fanbyte: Since you've been playing them for so long and now you've gotten closer since meeting in person, do you bicker like Alphinaud and Alisaie do?
Walker: No! Of course we don't!
Ryan: No, we don't. I think we're more similar than we are different, which is quite lovely. Especially going to these conventions, because conventions can be quite overwhelming. There's a lot of stimulation, a lot of people, and we both discovered that we're actually both introverts, which is really reassuring when going to these big events, because we both know when things are getting a little bit too much and when we might need to escape, and we have each other to lean on when things get a bit overwhelming, which has been really lovely.
Author's note: They did bicker in this interview. Lovingly, but they did bicker.
Fanbyte: What characteristic does Alphinaud/Alisaie have that Colin/Beth also has?
Walker: I think [Colin and Alphinaud are] both really studious. They both work really hard and give their all to everything they do. The end.
Ryan: That's lovely! Thank you. That's really good, and well thought out. My answer will not be as good as that.
Walker: Say nice things! You have to say nice things!
Ryan: In terms of you and Alisaie, you're not as hot-headed as Alisaie, well [you're not hot-headed] at all. You're so calm. What I think is consistent [with you and Alisaie] is your values and your moral compass. You have such a strong sense of right and wrong, and if things aren't right, you'll speak up. I think it's an Ali trait and a Beth trait.
Fanbyte: What trait about their sibling does your character say they hate, but they secretly love?
Walker: I think Alphie has stopped her a few times. His cautiousness is a big theme. It's a big theme between them, isn't it? And so often he's well, once or twice, he's said, 'Don't do that. Don't go and do that.' and she's gone, 'Oh, why not?' And yet it hasn't proved worthy because she's then gone ahead anyway. So I would say that it's his cautiousness, that she wishes she had a bit of that because she needs it. I don't know if it's a maturity thing, but she hasn't got there yet has she? She's still pretty hot-headed. There's very few times when she's really taken a beat, and I think she probably needs a bit of that. So maybe cautiousness, just sort of thinking before she speaks. She doesn't do that. She just goes head-on. She gets results, and she makes waves, but I think his cautiousness is something that she really probably secretly admires, even if it frustrates her.
Ryan: Yeah, I think that's why they kind of balance each other out. I would say that I think he can get frustrated with her spontaneity at times, but I think that's a trait that he secretly admires and wishes he had more of because he's so by the book. I mean, that is what makes him Alphinaud and that's what makes him good at what he does, but I think he would love just to kind of let that go at times and to throw caution to the wind and see what things would be like if he had a bit of that spontaneity that Alisaie has.
Walker: That's right. That's why when that line "I am not Alphinaud" came in, it was such a big thing. I remember when I was in the studio, it was such an instinctive thing. I think that line was rewritten because they wanted that kind of fury. I think that's the beautiful thing between siblings, is that they love each other so much, but they quite like the fact that they're a bit different sometimes. That's just such an interesting question because I've never thought about, 'Yes, but what if they were to take any [trait from the other]? What would they take? What do they find admirable in the other twin?' I think there obviously are lots of qualities. It may not have been put into dialogue yet, but we know there must be because they've journeyed so far together and they haven't always gotten things right. Both of them. They both have flaws. They have lots of flaws, as we know. So yeah, it's interesting, isn't it, to think about it from that perspective.

Fanbyte: If your character were to describe their sibling in three words, what would they be? You can explain in as much or as little detail as you want.
Walker: So, the first one that I thought of was mystifying because I think there are decisions he makes that she doesn't understand. There are so many times in the game, that I can remember anyway, where he's asked her to hold back or he's asked her to do something because he knows there's a better way. And she's like, 'well, why not?' because she's so guttural and so instinctive. And he's so well thought through. And I think there's probably a lot of times she's just like, 'I don't get you. I don't understand you,' and yet, often so much later, she does [understand]. But I think he mystifies her quite a lot.
Heartfelt is the second one. I think there's an unspoken depth of love between them. She adores him, she absolutely adores him, and I think despite everything they've been through, there's that deep sense of heart, of love, and heartfelt between them. I think she's always felt that, and I think she sort of mouths off a lot at him. But I think, as it's so often the way with siblings, there's this love that's so deep between them that it goes unspoken, and I don't think she's brilliant at saying it. I'll have a think about my third.
Ryan: So my three words are annoying, that's the first one. Second one is hothead. Because she is, and I think that annoys him. Then the third is rock, not as in like, she is a rock, but she is his rock. Despite being an annoying hothead, she really is his rock and he to her as well.
Walker: They are. You could say that for her, she's one of a twin, so it could be that he's her other half, which is two words, which is naughty. But, if you look at them as individual characters, they're beautiful, they're well-rounded, and they're so well written, but they are who they are in the game because they're together. Which is why when they're then separated, or whatever part of the journey they're on, it means so much to people because so many times people have come up to us and said, 'you have no idea how much the sibling story really touches me,' for whatever reason.
I don't think they understand each other, but I think that's beautiful. The beauty in it is actually that they are so very different. I've noticed in the plot, the times when it's really become quite serious, there is this kind of unification. They sort of unite, don't they, together? They have no choice sometimes because there's so much against them. They have to put their differences aside, and they support each other. So yeah, that's interesting.
Ryan: Yeah. Because there was a cutscene with Fourchenault where their dad decides not to intervene in this conflict, but they both, without any conferring, they just both call their dad out on that. So, as different as they are, they are on the same page when it comes to right and wrong and doing the right thing.

Fanbyte: I'm going to get into some wonky questions now. In the Dawntrail trailer, we saw G'raha Tia munching on a taco, and the fanbase hasn't stopped talking about it. If your character were to munch on something that would be iconic, what would your character munch on?
Walker: That's a great question. Not pickles.
Ryan: I think [Alphinaud] would have something more sophisticated. At least, more sophisticated than me. He's a classy dude, isn't he? I would like to think that Alphinaud doesn't eat meat, like me. So I think he'd have a salad actually. A tofu salad.
Walker: That's great. A tofu salad with a lovely sort of dressing and a bit of frou-frou stuff.
Ryan: Yeah, exactly. Some microgreens.
Walker: That's hilarious. I think that's very him. I think Alisaie would have something unapologetic. Like a massive kebab and chips, probably with hot sauce. And cheese. Like, all of the [toppings] I can just imagine. I don't think she would hold back. Sort of a triple burger with chips, and it's all covered in stuff. With all the layers and the yucky stuff, I think she'd just love it.
Author's note: Walker is describing french fries, which are called chips in the UK.

Fanbyte: In Endwalker, we got to meet Alphi-toad and Ali-toad thanks to Y'shtola. If your character could turn their sibling into an animal, what would it be and why?
Walker: Ali would turn Alphinaud into a cat because they hate water.
Ryan: (gasps)
Walker: In your face, bro! (laughs)
Ryan: That is very cruel!
Walker: Sorry. I love you, really! But you put him anywhere near water and he goes (gestures, recoiling) like that. And I think that, you know, you're not very buoyant. So, that's my answer.
Ryan: I mean, the cruel thing is that I, like Aphie, can't swim very well and don't like the water. So yeah, that hit deep, that. I don't want to be a cat.
Walker: Are you trying to make me feel bad? I don't feel bad. Is that what you want? It's not working. (Laughs)
Ryan: Horrible! Horrible! I would go for the most undignified animal.
Walker: (Gasping) What?
Ryan: I was thinking a skunk.
Walker: Wow. Wow.
Ryan: Because especially when they're emitting their scent, I mean it's just the most undignified thing, and I think that would just be quite funny. Just to see Ali-skunk.
Walker: I think you need to stop. I think you should just zip it!
Ryan: Because he does like having a good laugh at Alisaie, doesn't he? I think he would have a good laugh at his sister as a skunk.
Walker: As a skunk. Great. That'd be cute. And slightly aggressive. It could be slightly aggressive, couldn't it? Like, the cat is just going 'meow' and the skunk with the tail up. It's just not going to be pretty, is it?
Fanbyte: Does your character consider a hot dog a sandwich?
Ryan: Absolutely not.
Walker: I think she would have eaten it before she thought about it. That's my gut feeling. But it isn't a sandwich, so no.
Ryan: A hot dog is a hot dog. It's its own thing. At the very least, you could probably call it an open-faced sandwich, but I wouldn't. There's got to be two bits of bread, but a hot dog bun is a roll, sliced. It's one connected piece of bread, so there's no separation of bread. I think there needs to be a pure separation of bread. Yeah. Good enough. [I was speaking] pure Alphinaud.

Fanbyte: If your character's sibling was sick, and your character knew they were faking it, would your character cover for them?
Walker: Do you know what? She probably would, because I think she'd love to see him lie. I think she'd really enjoy it because I think he's such a goody two shoes. She'd love [giving] him a little red pen and expect him to draw dots all over his face and just see what happens. I think she'd quite enjoy the danger in that, and the meddling. I think she'd quite enjoy it. So not only would she cover for him, she'd help him fake it.
Ryan: I think it depends on the reason, like why would you be bunking off school? If it was to save someone, or to do something good, to help people, I would probably reluctantly, begrudgingly go along with it. But if it's just because she can't be bothered to go to school and just wants to stay at home and eat kebabs, I would not support that. I would report her to be honest. I say 'I' as in Alphinaud.
Walker: I can't imagine [Alisaie's] attendance would be as good as Alphinaud's.
Ryan: Definitely.
Walker: She'd be so naughty. You know she would.
Fanbyte: If your character were to give their sibling a warning label, what would it say?
Walker: I won't be rude and say mine, I'll wait until you've said yours and see how horrible I am in return.
Ryan: I wonder if people will get the reference, but my warning label for Ali would be 'Don't feed after midnight.' Do you know what that's from? No? From Gremlins.
Walker: Oh! From Gremlins! Yeah, that's gonna be a thing now, isn't it? Great. Thanks for that. I don't know. What do you think she would say? (gesturing to this author)
Scharnagle: I think she would say, 'Caution, doesn't float.'
Walker: 'Caution doesn't float.' I love that that was put in [the game]. It's become such a thing, and I don't know why. It's not that important, but it is quite funny. 'Caution, doesn't float.' I love that. You just sink. Like a cat. Like a rock? Like a cat with a rock on it. Sinking to the bottom.
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