FFXIV Radiant Twine is a type of upgrade currency used to enhance Level 90 “Radiant” armor. This refers to any accessories using the prefix “Radiant’s” — such as the Radiant’s Earrings of Fending.
You can purchase Radiant gear from the NPC Cihanti in Radz-at-Han (X: 10.8, Y: 10.4). Otherwise known as the Tomestone Exchange vendor in that city. Final Fantasy XIV expansions include a similar vendor who is used to purchase similar gear for each expansion, but only up to that expansion’s maximum level. The process then resets with a new NPC in a new city with each paid expansion.
Radiant armor, Radiant weapons, and Radiant accessories specifically begin at Item Level 590 with a Job level requirement of 90. However, they can be upgraded to Item Level 600 “Augmented” gear at the cost of one Radiant Twine, Radiant Roborant, or one Radiant Coating respectively. Continuing the example from earlier, the Radiant’s Earrings of Fending would become the Augmented Radiant’s Earring of Fending.
You must take both your chosen armor and the Radiant Twine to Khaldeen, the Gear Exchange merchant in Radz-at-Han. He is also found at coordinates (X: 10.8, Y: 10.4). Look right next to Cihanti.
Radiant Twine can specifically be obtained via one of three methods: exchanging Sacks of Nuts (earned from Clan Nutsy and Guildship hunts), exchanging Asphodelos Mythos II tomes (acquired from the Asphodelos: The Second Circle Savage raid), and/or exchanging one Aglaia Coin (available from the Aglaia Alliance Raid).
The location of every NPC that sells Radiant Twine (and their required currency) can be found below. Note that Radiant Twine is 33 percent more expensive than Radiant Coating when purchasing with Sacks of Nuts, but the same price in every other case. Thus, it’s usually better to buy Radiant Coating with nuts for the Item Level boost while purchasing Radiant Twine with coins or mythos.
J’lakshai, Old Sharlayan (X: 11.9, Y: 13.2) – 3,000 Sack of Nuts
Wilmetta, Radz-at-Han (X: 10.5, Y: 7.4) – 3,000 Sack of Nuts
Djole, Radz-at-Han (X: 10.3, Y: 9.7) – 4 Asphodelos Mythos II
Mylenie, Labyrinthos (X: 8.3, Y: 27.6) – 4 Asphodelos Mythos II
Nesvaaz, Radz-at-Han (X: 10.5, Y: 10.1) – 1 Aglaia Coin