Dragon's Dogma 2 Stats Guide - Stat Growth on Level Up

How does Dragon's Dogma 2 handle stat distribution when you level up?

As with any RPG, your character's stats are naturally important. Particularly in a game like Dragon's Dogma 2 where their usefulness changes depending on which vocation you play. But what does each stat do? How does the game handle stat distributions on level up since you don't manually assign them? In this guide, we'll explain everything we know about the system.

What Determines Stat Growth on Level Up?

Unlike in the first game, in Dragon's Dogma 2 your current Vocation determines the distribution of your stat growth. It is worth noting, however, that the game does move your stats around depending on which Vocation you select. In general, everyone's stat growth will look a little different depending on how often they're leveling up with different Vocations, but as a whole, you will still be able to play whichever class you want, whenever you want.

As a whole this is not something you want to worry about unless you're min/maxing your character.

Main Stats in Dragon's Dogma 2

There are 6 main stats in Dragon's Dogma: HP, Stamina, Strength, Defense, Magick, and Magick Defense.

  • Decreases as damage is taken.
  • If it reaches 0, you die.
  • If Pawns reach 0, they become immobile.
  • Increases as you level.
  • Restored via food, potions, magick, and resting.
  • Consumed when running and using skills.
  • Recovers over time.
  • Temporary paralysis if it runs out.
  • Determines the strength of physical attacks.
  • Higher numbers means more damage.
  • Can be improved with armor.
  • Determines how much damage you take from physical attacks.
  • Higher numbers means less damage taken.
  • Can be improved with armor.
  • Determines the strength of magical attacks.
  • Higher numbers means more damage.
  • Can be improved with armor.
Magick Defense
  • Determines how much damage you take from magical attacks.
  • Higher numbers means less damage taken.
  • Can be improved with armor.

Secondary Stats in Dragon's Dogma 2

There are seven secondary stats in Dragon's Dogma 2, most of which relate to your strength with weapons and how much you can carry.

Knockdown Power
  • Determines your ability to stagger or knock down foes.
Knockdown Resistance
  • Determines how likely you are to be staggered or knocked down when attacked.
Slash Strength
  • Determines the effectiveness of attacks when using a slashing weapon.
Slash Resistance
  • Determines how much damage you take from slashing weapons.
Strike Strength
  • Determines the effectiveness of attacks when using a bludgeoning weapon.
Strike Resistance
  • Determines how much damage you take from slashing bludgeoning weapons.
Max Encumbrance
  • The total amount of weight you can carry without becoming encumbered.
  • Affects movement speed and Stamina consumption rates.

About the Author

Dillon Skiffington

Dillon is the Senior Game Guides Editor at Fanbyte. He's been writing about video games for 15 years and has thousands of hours logged in FFXIV and hundreds of hours in Destiny 2.