As you explore the massive world that Capcom's long-awaited sequel, Dragon's Dogma 2, has to offer, you'll likely find yourself searching for somewhere to rest more often than not. While you can always make use of the stunning action RPG's fast travel system and use a Ferrystone to get back to a city or town, you won't always want to leave the area that you're exploring. This rings especially true if you're trying to complete a quest but are met with the night's unforgiving darkness and the monsters it brings with it.
In such cases, you'll want to camp to rest up and bring forth the following morning as well as the safety that accompanies the rising sunlight. If you're wondering how you can do so, you can make use of Dragon's Dogma 2's handy camping system. Spot a campfire and want to use it? Camping Kits allow you to do just that, but you may not yet understand how they work fully or the ins and outs of camping itself.
You also may find yourself wondering what the different Dragon's Dogma 2 Camping Kits do better and which ones are most worth hanging on to while traveling. Whether you're hoping to better understand how camping in Dragon's Dogma 2 works or are just wanting to gain a stronger grasp on Camping Kits themselves, we've got you covered here with everything you need to know about this convenient, on-the-go resting system.
Dragon's Dogma 2 Camping Kits
Dragon's Dogma 2 contains special items known as Camping Kits that you can obtain via merchants, shops, and treasure chests throughout the world. There are different kinds of Camping Kits, from the cheapest and lowest-quality Modest Camping Kits to more useful and region-specific ones such as the Grass-Patterned Camping Kits. Make sure to read the item description for each one that you encounter to ensure you're only keeping the Camping Kits you want as they all weigh quite a bit, generally around seven kilograms.

Depending on your Arisen's height, weight, and vocation, it's also usually better to have one of your Pawns hold on to your Camping Kit of choice. This way you can avoid exceeding your carry weight capacity and becoming over-encumbered. Thankfully, you only need one Camping Kit on your party at all times since these kits remain intact even after you use them. That's right, you can use just one Camping Kit in Dragon's Dogma 2 infinitely and sell excess kits for gold.
Camping in Dragon's Dogma 2
Before you can camp or set up your Camping Kit in Dragon's Dogma 2, you'll need to first find a suitable area. You'll know you've found one such spot when you see a burning campfire. It'll also be marked on your map with a white icon that resembles a campfire once you've stumbled upon its location. You can find these camping areas all over the map as you explore the wilderness, and will more easily notice them at night due to the campfire's bright glow.

Once you've set up your camp, you can cook for temporary stat boosts, manage your skills, rest throughout the night to pass time and recover health, or speak to your Pawns. Depending on your current Camping Kit's description and value, you may face random enemy attacks in the middle of the night. Much like attacks on Oxcarts during fast travel, this will break the activity and you will be forced to get up with less recovered health than you would have had you been able to rest through the entire camping duration without combat.