Dragon's Dogma 2 is finally here, marking Capcom's exciting release of a long-awaited RPG sequel. If you've delved deep within the fantasy game's caves and woodlands already, you've more than likely come across a Seeker's Token or two. While fans of the original Dragon's Dogma may remember these collectibles as items one would find throughout Gransys and use for a notice board quest, Seeker's Tokens surprisingly function very differently in the sequel. Dragon's Dogma 2 Seeker's Tokens are far more widespread and are the key to various rewards.
In Dragon's Dogma 2, there are 240 Seeker's Tokens in total. These are scattered throughout the map, which is a whopping four times bigger than the original game's own, all hidden in difficult-to-reach places you may not usually explore. Once you accumulate enough Seeker's Tokens, you can turn them into a guild hall for rewards. You'll get new rewards once you hit further milestones. For instance, if you collect just one Seeker's Token, you'll get a Ferrystone in return. If you find five, you'll also obtain a special ring. These rewards scale until you've found all of the Seeker's Tokens available in-game.
Between these rewards and the sheer amount of Seeker's Tokens strewn about the map, the collectibles can be confusing at best and daunting at worst. Whether you're a new Dragon's Dogma fan approaching Seeker's Tokens with little to no knowledge of the first game's own take on the collectibles or are a hardened fan of Capcom's action RPG series, you may be looking to better understand how these items work in the sequel, where you can find them, and what rewards you'll get at each stage for collecting them. We've got you covered here with an in-depth guide on Dragon's Dogma 2 Seeker's Tokens.
What are Dragon's Dogma 2 Seeker's Tokens?
Dragon's Dogma 2 Seeker's Tokens are special collectible items found anywhere and everywhere throughout the world, all the way from the dense verdant woodlands near Vermund to the sandy ruinous hills surrounding Battahl. These collectibles resemble coins, and you'll need to locate 240 of them if you hope to obtain every single one and their subsequent rewards. Unlike in Capcom's original RPG entry, you don't use any Seeker's Tokens for quests.

Instead, you'll want to have your Seeker's Tokens on you whenever you're near a guild hall. If you're unsure of what a guild hall is, each one will be marked as a "Vocation Guild" on your map. This is the same building in which you'll be able to change your or your Pawn's Vocation and equip any active or passive skills for your class of choice. If you want to save inventory space, you can hand in your Seeker's Tokens whenever you'd like and they'll count toward the next reward until you give in enough of the coins to earn it.
Where are Seeker's Tokens in Dragon's Dogma 2?
Dragon's Dogma 2 Seeker's Tokens can be found pretty much anywhere, but you'll want to keep an eye on out-of-reach places in particular or spaces you generally wouldn't search. If there's a little bit of hill jutting out of the side of a mountain, for instance, you may want to search there. If there are wooden beams or platforms in a building that are kind of out of the way, you'll perhaps find one of the collectibles there. You'll know you're looking at a Seeker's Token thanks to its iridescent glow and the "Examine" prompt that pops up when you aim at it.

Your Pawns may also chime in with a line like "aught catches the light," helpfully implying that a Seeker's Token is somewhere nearby. If a Pawn says something that may insinuate that a Seeker's Token is close to you, be sure to check any more obscure areas surrounding you. Seeker's Tokens will always be out in the open rather than hidden within a treasure chest, so you don't need to worry about finding every chest or destroying any container you come across in hopes of obtaining one of the 240 coins.
Dragon's Dogma 2 Seeker's Tokens Rewards
There are 11 rewards that you can obtain in total at a guild hall for finding Dragon's Dogma 2 Seeker's Tokens. You'll get your first reward after handing in just one of the collectibles. Your second comes after five, your third after 15, and so on. Many of the rewards are equipable items such as clothing garments or rings, but others are useful objects such as the Ferrystone which allows you to fast travel.

Items are not bound or locked to any player level in Dragon's Dogma 2, making some of these rewards all the more valuable. If you're looking for an overview of each reward along with a description of it and the number of Seeker's Tokens getting it requires, we've compiled all of this information in the handy table below. From the very first item you get when turning the collectibles in to the final one, these are all of the Dragon's Dogma 2 Seeker's Tokens rewards.
No. of Seeker's Tokens | Reward | Item Description |
1 | Ferrystone | Instantly teleports you to a Portcrystal of choice |
5 | Ring of Vehemence | Attacks more likely to stagger or knock down foes |
15 | Ring of Triumph | Slightly boosts maximum carry weight, health, and stamina |
30 | Dowsing Spikes | Daggers that glow whenever treasure is near |
50 | Twilight Star | Circlet for all Vocations that resembles a faintly glowing star |
70 | Ring of Profusion | Moderately increases maximum carry weight |
90 | Champion's Mantle | Cape for all Vocations that gives +3% lightning resistance |
120 | Eternal Bond | Ring that deepens bond between Arisen and receiver |
150 | Charming Corset | Outfit for all Vocations with defense and flattering effect |
180 | Legion's Might | Staff for Pawns that revives them automatically |
220 | Ring of Endeavor | Slightly boosts discipline gained from defeating foes |